Brent Bozell titles his important piece, "Neglect at the New York Times." It deserves a stronger title, since what Bozell exposes is the Pravda-like behavior of the most influential newspaper in the United States. Bozell writes: (HT: Drudge - my bolding)
After a long three-year gap since their last exclusive sit-down
interview with President Obama, you might think The New York Times would
be ready to ask tough questions on the most contentious issues of the
day, beginning with the deepening Obama scandals.
Wrong. Instead, the Times defined the "news" in this interview to be
Obama's counter-attacks. Their stories focused on Obama's accusations
that (a) the Republicans are liars about Obamacare, (b) the Republicans
exaggerate the benefits of building the Keystone XL pipeline and (c) the
Republicans oppose his use of executive power because he has the "gall
to win the presidency."
The national media are faithfully executing their Obama second-term
call to preserve and protect his legacy. They are steering clear of any
story that might imply that the president has in any way cut an ethical
corner or abused his power. More: House Republicans investigating Obama
scandals must be viewed as an assembly line for organized character
assassination, not congressional oversight.
This is especially true at the Times, which sees the president as a
far too special historical figure to get the punishing scrutiny applied
to people the Times thinks are slack-jawed country bumpkins, such as
Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. They see Obama as a Jackie Robinson
figure, a racial pioneer who endures the angry, spitting fury of the
right-wing mobs with great courage and flair.
The tea party apparently deserves punishing investigations by the IRS
because their opposition to Obama is clearly based on racism, just like
the people who spat on Jackie Robinson. In his interview with the
Times, when asked about over-enthusiastic use of executive power, Obama
sneered at conservatives. "Some of those folks think I usurp my
authority by having the gall to win the presidency. And I don't think
that's a secret." He added: "But ultimately, I'm not concerned about
their opinions — very few of them, by the way, are lawyers, much less
constitutional lawyers."
Instead of asking one solitary question about scandals, the Times
decided it was more important to ask the most obvious question
imaginable about Martin Luther King: "March on Washington coming up
Are you going to do anything to mark it? Are you planning on being a
part of the 50th anniversary?" Why, yes, Obama stressed: "I have a copy
of the original program in my office, framed." . . .
. . . just as the Times tried to move
mountains to ruin President Bush, they are also rabidly partisan in
seeing themselves as life preservers for Democrats. Why anyone would see
this as a "prestige" newspaper while its news coverage careens wildly
from abuse to neglect is a mystery. [Read the whole article]
After a long three-year gap since their last exclusive sit-down
interview with President Obama, you might think The New York Times would
be ready to ask tough questions on the most contentious issues of the
day, beginning with the deepening Obama scandals.
Wrong. Instead, the Times defined the "news" in this interview to be
Obama's counter-attacks. Their stories focused on Obama's accusations
that (a) the Republicans are liars about Obamacare, (b) the Republicans
exaggerate the benefits of building the Keystone XL pipeline and (c) the
Republicans oppose his use of executive power because he has the "gall
to win the presidency."
The national media are faithfully executing their Obama second-term
call to preserve and protect his legacy. They are steering clear of any
story that might imply that the president has in any way cut an ethical
corner or abused his power. More: House Republicans investigating Obama
scandals must be viewed as an assembly line for organized character
assassination, not congressional oversight.
This is especially true at the Times, which sees the president as a
far too special historical figure to get the punishing scrutiny applied
to people the Times thinks are slack-jawed country bumpkins, such as
Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. They see Obama as a Jackie Robinson
figure, a racial pioneer who endures the angry, spitting fury of the
right-wing mobs with great courage and flair.
The tea party apparently deserves punishing investigations by the IRS
because their opposition to Obama is clearly based on racism, just like
the people who spat on Jackie Robinson. In his interview with the
Times, when asked about over-enthusiastic use of executive power, Obama
sneered at conservatives. "Some of those folks think I usurp my
authority by having the gall to win the presidency. And I don't think
that's a secret." He added: "But ultimately, I'm not concerned about
their opinions — very few of them, by the way, are lawyers, much less
constitutional lawyers."
Instead of asking one solitary question about scandals, the Times
decided it was more important to ask the most obvious question
imaginable about Martin Luther King: "March on Washington coming up
Are you going to do anything to mark it? Are
you planning on being a part of the 50th anniversary?" Why, yes, Obama
stressed: "I have a copy of the original program in my office, framed."
Obama's critics on the Left were upset that Times reporters Jackie
Calmes and Michael Shear failed to ask about surveillance programs and
the Snowden case. They failed to upbraid him about his Justice
Department's crackdown on journalists or requiring
Bush-trashing/Pulitzer-winning Times colleague James Risen to testify in
court. What about drone attacks? These lines of inquiry are reserved
for the dreaded warmongering "neoconservatives" of Team Bush.
Obama isn't the only Democrat who is being awarded with feigned
ignorance by the Times. The "newspaper of record" looked ridiculous when
disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner was forced to admit he kept
right on "sexting" strange women who were not Mrs. Weiner after he
resigned and promised to end his creepy online sexual misbehavior with
strange women. In April, they published a gooey cover story in The New
York Times Magazine titled "Huma and Anthony: The private life of a
former power couple."