From the Family Research Council:
There are few things parents care more about than their children's education. That's why the current push for Common Core (CC) curricula is so troubling. In a lecture and panel discussion today at FRC, Dr. Allan Carlson of The Howard Center and editor of "The Family in America," Maureen Van Den Berg of the American Association of Christian Schools, and FRC Senior Fellow and former Reagan Administration Department of Education Bob Morrison official outlined the dangers of CC to children and families.
Dr. Carlson noted that CC calls for "more testing, more centralization, more 'experts,' and more money for a failing (public education) system." He also said that CC has been "stripped" of Judeo-Christian values to make it appear "neutral" about worldviews and what's right and wrong. Mrs. Van Den Berg said that given its federal orientation, CC is "easily influenced by cultural norms" and observed that CC will, if widely adopted, lead to national testing controlled by the federal government and also threaten the autonomy of private, religious, and home schools. Bob Morrison summarized by paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson, that in America, the people historically have shaped the government, but "under Common Core, the government shapes the people."
The good news is that increasingly, state governments are wary of this top-down imposition on our educational system. Just yesterday, Gov. Rick Scott of Florida said his state would be "dialing back its participation" in CC testing. Contact your state officials and encourage them to avoid CC and its lure of federal money. A rotten Core is worse than no core at all.