Family Research Council reports:
The parents looking for an alternative to the liberal turn of the Boy Scouts of America finally have one! Last Friday, former Eagle Scouts, parents, scoutmasters, and church leaders introduced America to Trail Life USA-- an outdoor adventure program that embraces all of the principles of traditional scouting -- without the pro-homosexual politics. Our good friend John Stemberger, who helped lead the fight to save the BSA, said the new group has been overwhelmed by the demand. More than 30,000 people have contacted Trail Life USA to get connected to the organization, which officially launches January 1.
"Our vision will be to become the premier national character development organization for young men which produces godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens," Stemberger said. "Parents are going to love the new outdoor adventure program, and we are very excited to be part of this next chapter in the history of scouting in America." Open to boys ages 5-17, Trail Life USA already has 70 troops in waiting, with more certain to join once word spreads. To learn how you and your church can get involved, check out the new website,, and watch the video!