Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D., writes:
. . . Despite
the intimidating influence of gay activism, society is beginning to recognize
the ex-gay person's existence, as ex-gay men and women are telling us about
their lives. Further, there is an impressive group of ex-gay websites, such as,, and, where
ex-gay men and women tell their stories.
Can Change continues to offer its JIM (Journey Into Manhood) Weekends,
scheduled in 2013 for several locations in the U.S.,
as well as one in Israel.
The ex-gay person was also recently legally acknowledged by Washington D.C.
as a distinct sexual minority.
new support group Restored Hope Network has also emerged, vibrant and
powerfully committed, to replace Exodus Ministries (which recently closed
down). Further, the Executive Director of HA (Homosexuals Anonymous), Dr.
Douglas McIntyre, launched a 10-day tour this summer to lobby for freedom of
choice for youth to pursue counseling for unwanted homosexuality. [more . . .]