Rush produced a brilliant monologue as his show began today. It's titled: "Warning: Amnesty is Not Necessarily Dead." I had not tuned in but saw Drudge had linked to a transcript within an hour. What does Rush say?
I can honestly say I have never seen such a divide between the people who govern this country and the people who live in it. I have never seen Washington so distant and so removed and so unaware. It is stunning to me to listen to some of the commentary from inside the Beltway . . .
I have been predicting that inside-the-Beltway people have no clue what the people of this country are really thinking. They have no clue how irritated people are. They have no idea how angry, and they don't care on top of that, even if they were aware. But Washington has less and less about it that relates to normal life in this country than I've ever seen. And the commentary in the aftermath of this election last night is evidence of it. . .
Rush goes on to discuss what he considers totally "out-of-touch" commentary, including Republicans. He also notes the failure of Republicans to immediately embrace Dave Brat who defeated Eric Cantor. Brat was against amnesty, but Rush predicts that amnesty is not thereby defeated. Not by a long shot. Read it all..