This is a great non-emotional, non-expressive, but pungent, truthful, short speech. As Jay Nordlinger of NRO says, "The speech was essentially about the moral absurdity of the United Nations. It took as its theme a statement of Churchill’s: The world is timorous and muddled “until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong.”
The point, often forgotten, is that Israel is the canary in the coal mine. Her enemies are the West's enemies, and they will come after the rest of the West in due time. Ambassador Proser concluded:
Seventy years ago, Winston Churchill bemoaned what he saw as the inability of mankind to act until the emergency comes. Today, I am here to issue a warning: Stand with Israel and stand against terror before it is too late, before the danger lands on your doorstep and self-preservation strikes its jarring gong.