Mariam Ibaheem is the heroic, courageous 27 year old Sudanese Christian woman imprisoned for her faith and sentenced to death because of her faith in Christ. With her in prison was her 20 month old little boy, Martin, and while in prison she gave birth to a baby girl. Thanks to the hard work of many individuals and organizations, the Islamist Sudanese government finally released her. The Family Research Council celebrated her release with a stunning gala program last Saturday. You won't regret watching all (or even just part) of the video below. You especially won't want to miss Mariam Ibraheem's appearance at around the 57:00 point in the video. Her elegant, regal bearing makes it hard to recall and imagine the suffering she underwent for her refusal to renounce Christ which would have meant her immediate release and freedom.
If you listen to the whole video, you will be inspired by short talks by Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va. 7:40), Rep. Chris Smith (R - NJ 25:25) and Rep. Mark Meadows (45:00 R - NC) who all worked hard to secure Mariam's release. These three stalwart, hard-working conscientious Congressmen deserve our gratitude and continued prayers. Tina Ramirez of (37:20) works hard to train local nationals in how to advocate for human rights and challenge legal systems. Her organization's work proved crucial in Mariam's release. Nachmeh Abedini appears and talks of her husband Saeed's continuing two year imprisonment in Iran (17:20). The persecution of Christians in the world today may be the worst ever in history. Who cannot fail to be inspired by Mariam Ibraheem's courage and steadfastness in remaining true to her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ?