David Brody of CBN News reports:
Well, Senator Ted Cruz had an interesting night in Washington DC Wednesday night and our Brody File camera crew was there to capture it all.
Middle Eastern Christians booed Cruz off the stage during his speech at a summit in Washington DC. It was sponsored by a group called, ‘In Defense of Christians.” Cruz came to speak about Christian solidarity with Israel but some in the crowd were Palestinian Christian supporters of the Syrian government and even the terrorist group Hezbollah. Things got rowdy. Watch the video below to see how it unfolded. Partial transcript below as well.
Senator Ted Cruz: “Those who hate Israel hate America. Those who hate Jews hate Christians. If those in this room will not recognize that, then my heart weeps. If you hate the Jewish people you are not reflecting the teachings of Christ. And the very same people who persecute and murder Christians right now, who crucify Christians, who behead children, are the very same people who target Jews for their faith, for the same reason.”
Senator Ted Cruz: “My heart weeps that the men and women here will not stand in solidarity with Jews and Christians alike who are persecuted by radicals.”
Senator Ted Cruz: “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Thank you and God bless you.”
The event was billed as a gathering of Middle Eastern Christian leaders that were trying to raise awareness about the threat to Arab minorities by the terrorist group ISIS.
Look folks, a couple things here. Some, not all Christians in the Middle East see Israel in a far different light than evangelical Christians. Clearly, Ted Cruz understood that last night. But also, let’s remember here: Born-Again Evangelical Christians LOVE Israel. It’s just that simple. Trust me. I know. Why? Well, I’m Jewish. I gave my life to Jesus (who was JEWISH) in 1988 and I walked into evangelical Christianity with some initial skepticism but guess what? I found that Evangelical Christians embrace the Jewish people (and Israel) more than any other faith. There’s no disputing that. More on all of this in a separate blog.
Oh, one more thing. Ted Cruz getting booed off stage is not a bad scenario at all for the Senator. Standing with Israel and willing to walk off stage because of it will endear him to evangelical Christians around America, especially in (wink wink) Iowa and South Carolina if he runs for president.
Jay Nordlinger comments on Cruz's cool behavior:
As you may have heard, Senator Ted Cruz was booed off a stage when he expressed solidarity with Israel. (To read and see all about it, go here.) I thought ofJeane Kirkpatrick, who left a stage at Berkeley, in such a dignified way. That made me love her all the more.
About Ted’s performance, I could write many words. Instead, I’ll write just two: My man. No, let me write a few more: What a display of spine, poise, and grace. Even nobility. As he bade farewell to the booers, he said, “Thank you, and God bless you.”
Way to go (in more than one sense).