I take no pleasure in putting up this post. I do so to provide an historical record; some years from now it will bear witness to one columnist's take on current prevailing conditions. For what it's worth, I completely agree with Krauthammer's perspective and seriously wonder if America will ever be able to recover from its current downward spiral. The prospect looks bleak to me. The following summary of Krauthammer's perspective is from National Review Online:
There “is a sense in the country,” says Charles Krauthammer, “that we have a presidency that is falling apart” — call it a “crisis of competence.” On Special Report, the panelist explained how chaos abroad and at home — much of it caused by the decisions of the current administration — is giving Americans reason to worry.
“Abroad, in the vacuum that we created by Obama’s retreat, more aggressive, more wicked, in fact some of the worst people on earth have filled it in Libya, in Syria, in Iraq. Putin’s on the march in eastern Europe. Everybody senses America is not there. Our allies are very worried about the kind of support they’re going to get. That’s a consequence of [Obama’s] policy.”
And at home? “Domestically, the great idea of expansion of government and new entitlements and all this — this is a crisis of competence. The IRS, the VA, the Secret Service . . . all of these agencies that we had trust in, under this administration are showing how badly government is run.”
“You combine them,” says Krauthammer, “and you get a sense that things are out of control.”