VDH, an esteemed historian whose work I have cited numerous times on this blog, offers a clear analysis of the type of revolution taking place under Obama's guiding hand. He subtitles his piece, "America’s current revolutionary inspiration seems to derive more from Robespierre than Madison. " Hanson writes:
At the end of the 18th century, there were two great Western revolutions — the American and the French. Americans opted for the freedom of the individual, and divinely endowed absolute rights and values.
A quite different French version sought equality of result. French firebrands saw laws less as absolute, but instead as useful to the degree that they contributed to supposed social justice and coerced redistribution. They ended up not with a Bill of Rights and separation of powers, but instead with mass executions and Napoleonic tyranny.
Unfortunately, the Obama administration is following more the French model than the American. [more . . .]