Links from the Drudge Report:
- Ann Arbor priest urges his parishioners to get concealed carry licenses
He titles his letter, "We're Not In Mayberry Anymore."
- USDA urges citizens to eat expired food.
I've always known "expiration dates" needn't be observed.
- Google allows you to see everything you've ever searched!
With all that data available to people and advertisers, your life is an open book
- Facebook takes another step in controlling media content.
"In a post entitled, “News Feed FYI: Balancing Content from Friends and Pages,” Facebook Product Manager Max Eulenstein and User Experience Researcher Lauren Scissors lay out how “media content” will be altered under the site’s newest algorithm." Translation: Facebook is the boss!
- Report: JPMorgan Chase Bans Storage of Cash In Its Safety Deposit Boxes
Wow. A sign of a growing "war on cash."
Article: As of last month, Chase has also instituted a new policy which, “restricts borrowers from using cash to make payments on credit cards, mortgages, equity lines, and auto loans,” writes Professor Joseph Salerno of the Mises Institute.
The news arrives on the back of comments by Citi’s Willem Buiter, who recently advocated abolishing cash altogether in order to “solve the world’s central banks’ problem with negative interest rates”.
Last month we also reported on how the Justice Department is ordering bank employees to consider calling the cops on customers who withdraw $5,000 dollars or more.
Efforts to impose restrictions on the use of cash by banks are seen by many as an attack on anonymity and an example of how financial institutions are positioning themselves to handle the fallout of the next economic crash – at the expense of customers.