A huge need exists to wise up to leftist lies and propaganda. Rush Limbaugh correctly states: "The Liberal Agenda is Based on Fake News."
RUSH: "Hands up, don't shoot" did not happen. There were no rapes by frat houses and frat boys at the University of Virginia. Lena Dunham cannot prove that she was raped by a conservative at Oberlin College where she reputedly attended. The Duke lacrosse case was totally manufactured and made up. It did not happen. And on and on and on. Eric Garner in New York was not killed by a cop chokehold. He died of a heart attack on the way to the hospital. But never mind.
There is no discrimination against homosexuals in Indiana. All of this is drummed up and fake. Every one of these stories is fake. And when they are exposed as fake, such as the Rolling Stone University of Virginia rape story, when they are exposed as fake, how does the journalist responsible for the fakery and his or her accomplices in the rest of the Drive-By Media respond?
They say, "It may be, it may be fake. But it doesn't matter because we know it's happening elsewhere. We know rape is happening all over this country campus after campus after campus. It may not have happened there, it may not have happened in this case at the University of Virginia. But we know it's happening, and we have raised everybody's consciousness level about it, and so it was good."
And once again we're drawn back to the nature of the evidence when it comes to liberalism, irrelevant. The seriousness of the charge. In this case, the seriousness of the charge is that men are raping women on college campuses all the time, every day, and it's gotten out of hand. Another fake premise is that white cops are murdering and executing innocent black children every day in America. It's gotten out of hand. We gotta stop it. But it doesn't happen, and it hasn't happened.
And now we are off on another totally manufactured, made-up, fake story that there is rampant, wanton, Christian discrimination against loving homosexuals all over Indiana. It isn't true. You've heard about the story. The local TV affiliate, the ABC Eyewitness News affiliate walks into a pizza store 30 minutes south of Indianapolis. They just walk in. There's no reason. The store hasn't made any news. Nobody inside the store said anything. The media is going door-to-door. . . .
They are shopping and hoping to find what they claim is discrimination and bigotry. So they walk into this pizza store after failing to find a business that meet their needs. They're just going door-to-door and they walk in, they finally find a naive woman who admits, "No, we wouldn't cater a gay wedding because of our Christian views." Never mind they never have, they've never been asked to, they've never said no, they've never refused to cater. It was totally made up, but that's not the story. The media's making it the story, but it's what happens after the Drive-By Media person goes into the business and concocts this fake story. It's what happens afterwards that is really fake.
Incidentally, regarding the pizza store that could not reopen and received numerous death threats (Memories Pizza), Dana Loesch conducted an interview and invited donations at GoFundMe. As of 10:00 PM on April 2, 2015 over 13,000 people had contributed a total of over $395,000. I am sure I will need to update that figure.