In 1971 at the huge Urbana Missionary Convention, John Stott (d. 2011), the great Anglican preacher, teacher and writer (0ver 50 books translated into 65 languages), gave a series of Scriptural expositions on John 13-17. Though an Anglican minister, his worldwide ministry displayed what C.S. Lewis called Mere Christianity; Stott taught what all Christians worldwide hold in common. In 2004, the Jewish commentator, David Brooks, drew attention to Stott in a New York Times article extolling Stott as the world's best exemplar of thoughtful evangelicalism.
It happens that I have a personal copy of the proceedings of that great 1971 Urbana Conference published under the title Christ the Liberator. Recently I read John Stott's teaching on John 13 and was delighted to discover that audio recordings of Stott's addresses to that Convention are available on YouTube. I post them below for everyone's edification.
For talks on John 14 (and part of 16), 15, and 17 click "Continue reading..." below.