-- (See updates at the end of the post)
You have perhaps heard of the white woman who passed herself off as black?
Mona Charen comments appositely: [my bolding]
In the 1950s and before, ”passing” referred to a black person who presented himself to the world as white. So is it progress when a Caucasian flips it? Shall we all celebrate another historic “first”? Rachel Dolezal, the first white to pass as black? There is already a lot of discussion on Twitter about “race and what it means.” There will presumably be a back and forth about attempting to appropriate some other group’s suffering, but let’s face it, the left in general has a huge case of oppression envy. It’s the coin of the realm. Being oppressed, or being a member of a group thought to be oppressed, brings real world benefits like deference, university professorships, and much more. This racial consciousness is an American disease that began as oppression, moved on to guilt, and has now entered the realm of farce.
Me: It's perhaps of interest that the woman in question, Rachel Dolezal, is a college teacher, more specifically, she serves as "professor of Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University, where her research interests include 'the intersection of race, gender and class in the contemporary diaspora with a specific emphasis on black women in visual culture.'” This information may further the negative opinion now gathering momentum towards what passes as education on college campuses today.
Update 1: See video below. Allahpundit writes:
The first eight minutes show Dolezal rambling on about the mysterious hate crimes committed against her and her kids. The action starts at 7:55, when the interviewer surprises her by asking her to confirm that the black man she claims is her father really is her father. It’s all downhill from there. [Brief transcript below]
“I was wondering if your dad really is an African American man,” Jeff Humphrey of KXLY4 asked Dolezal.
“That’s a very … I mean, I don’t know what you’re implying,” Dolezal said.
“Are you African American?” Humphrey said.
“I don’t understand the question,” Dolezal said. She walked off-camera as Humphrey asked: “Are your parents, are they white?”
Dolezal did not return requests for comment.
Update 2: Among various quotes of the day there is this:
When Rachel applied to Howard University to study art with a portfolio of “exclusively African American portraiture,” the university “took her for a black woman” and gave her a full scholarship.
And this:
She is trans racial. All white people should claim that they are the same. The US will not be able to blame whites anymore.
Update 3: 6/16/15