From CBN News:
CBN News reports:
The mainstream network media ignored the latest video released on Planned Parenthood's practice of harvesting the body parts of aborted babies.
The latest one detailing how one technician told another worker, "Want to see something cool?" referring to a baby's heart beating while harvesting its brain.
Ex-StemExpress employee Holly O'Donnell saying a Planned Parenthood worker called to her: "'Hey Holly come over here I want to see something kinda cool, this is kinda neat.'
"So, I'm over here. And, the moment I see it I'm just flabbergasted," O'Donnell said. "This is the most gestated fetus and the closest thing to a baby I've seen. And, she's, 'Okay, I want to show you something.' And she has one of her instruments and she just taps the heart and it starts beating. And, I'm sitting here and I'm looking at this fetus and its heart is beating and I don't know what to think."
It's a disturbing video, yet not reported on major national news outlets..
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Kathryn Jean Lopez suggests the following reading:
** Half of Americans Haven’t Seen the Planned Parenthood Videos. Here’s What They Need to Know.
** If Planned Parenthood Goes, Where Do Women Go?
** If Planned Parenthood Loses Government Funding, Here’s a Map of Health Clinics That Could Take Its