** On Iraq - Historian Victor Davis Hanson on the Iraq war The sort of serious analysis and reporting never seen found in mainstream writing (which incidentally throws Trump down from his pedestal) UPDATE 3/15/16 - Jay Nordinger's audio interview with Victor Davis Hanson
** Evangelical leaders on picking a Presidential nominee - Interesting "inside" stuff
** Andrew C. McCarthy (the sharpest and most reliable mind around when it comes to Islam and terrorism) writes: "Why Closing Gitmo is still a terrible idea."
** Charles Cooke - electing Trump would be "an unmitigated, unalloyed, potentially unsalvageable disaster" Cooke says Trump must be stopped:
The anti-Trump forces that still make up the majority of the Republican coalition must begin an expedited Manhattan Project, the sole aim of which is to bring down the front-runner piece by unpleasant piece. “If not us, who?” Ronald Reagan asked in the heat of the 1981 budget battle. “If not now, when?” Time to go nuclear, chaps.