This is a great story that Lindsay Leigh Bentley tells of her growing up as a "tomboy" (my word) and how her life developed. It has over 3,000 comments so you know it has hit a nerve. Excerpt:
Anyhow, even as a baby I seemed to prefer “boy” things. I was rough, tough, and daring. My parents had to cut my curly hair short because I would twist it into knots and refused to let my parents brush it. I once managed to make my way onto the second story roof, and was gleefully running around, as my parents had simultaneous panic-attacks. My toys of choice were sticks, sling-shots, bows & arrows, guns, mud, motorcycles, and monsters. When my sister and I picked out “My Little Ponies” I chose a blue one, and promptly cut all of that lustrous long hair off as short as possible. My barbie also got the chop.
If ever a "girl" seemed to a "boy" it was Lindsay. But there is more to the story...