Abbey Johnson (former Planned Parenthood manager) offers 7 observations:
First observations: "The abortion industry is more brazen than ever."
In one panel we attended, a post-abortive woman (times six) and clinic worker at the Houston Women’s Center named Kenya Martin stated that “Abortion should be no different than having a tooth pulled.” She even said women should throw “abortion parties” the day they have an abortion and rent “party buses” to celebrate their “decision.” Yes, she really said that." . . . .
2nd observation: "These women are still really hung up on their privates."
The vulgarity all around this conference was enough to make even this former secular feminist blush. . . .
Abbey Johnson offers more details on these two observationss as well as five more. I urge you to read the whole thing to see what has become of "feminism" today.
Note: Abby Johnson is a former Planned Parenthood manager who now runs And Then There Were None, which helps abortion workers leave their jobs. She is also the author of “Unplanned.”