-- Wesley J. Smth - "Mainstreaming Animal Personhood"
We should be alarmed at the vigor with which animal personhood is being promoted in professional journals in the august fields of law, politics, science, and bioethics. So what, you say? Let radicals bloviate. Animal personhood will never be adopted through democratic means.
That’s almost surely true, and animal rights activists know it. That is why they are seeking to attain their goal by court fiat. [more...]
-- Gallup's 2015 poll: The most and the least religious States in the U.S.
Most religious (in order): Mississippi, Alabama, Utah, Louisiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, So. Carolina, N. Carolina . . .
Least religious (in order): New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Rhode Island, New York . . . [See full list and discussion]
-- David French - "In Defense of Football" vs. George Will, "Superbowl's 60 Minutes of Damage"