Well, that was the title Justin Taylor gave a recent blog post describing a sermon delivered by Pastor Mark Dever on September 19th at Capital Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Dever's text was Mark 12:13-17 - "Jesus Paid Taxes." It's length was 70 minutes. How many pastors today deliver 70 minute sermons, and in particular, one that could be described as "a biblical theology of Christians and the state, at once full of unction, intellectually challenging, and affecting the heart"? Remarkable indeed.
For those without 70 minutes to spare, Collin Hansen has provided an overvew. David Crowe, a visitor that day, blogged "Capital Hill Baptist Church - Reflections From a Visit." I thought it noteworthy that 750 people jammed the church, and pre-teens were found - not doodling - but taking notes on the sermon!
What strikes me is the great value of the internet! Not many clergy are capable of delivering such meaty messages, but because of the internet, a message such as this can be heard by anyone anywhere in the world. What resources are at our disposal! Are we making use of these resources? I need to take much better advantage of them myself. An iTunes podcast of Dever's sermon is available here.
Some time ago I posted a video of Pastor Mark Dever offering a video tour of his library. Click here. You'll find it fascinating.
Speaking of Christianity and politics, the other day I happened to be at Barnes & Noble and there I thumbed through a copy of Wayne Grudem's just-published Politics - According to the Bible. I found it quite intriguing. I hope to browse more on a future visit. Another recent publication that has caught my eye (which I haven't had a chance to browse yet), is City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era by Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner with a foreward by Tim Keller. Justin Taylor has posted blurbs and some principles from the book, plus Tim Keller's foreward. In addition to the book's foreward, the preface in PDF format can be found here.