Wendy Griffeth reports:
JORDAN -- As the world watches Syria implode from a bloody and brutal civil war, missionaries are going to the front lines to try and bring comfort and healing to more than a million people who have escaped the fighting.
Many Syrian refugees are finding comfort in unlikely places. On a recent Saturday, more than 100 burqa clad refugees filed into a church in northern Jordan for a two-day women's conference.
It is a bit unusual to see so many Muslim women in church, but then these are unusual times in the Middle East and people are seeking comfort wherever it is offered.
Overwhelming Sadness
The death and destruction in Syria is overwhelming. At least 80,000 people have been killed and 1 million have fled the country. Jordan is hosting almost half a million refugees and officials say that figure could double by the end of the year.
There is a mix of anger and sadness among these veiled women who have seen things no one should ever have to.
"There was an area beside us where they were abusing the girls and the women and killing their men," refugee Oum Hassan said. "It was horrible. We had to leave." [more . . .]