Dr. McCullough (ht: Mac Slavo of Discern Repor}:
“The path forward is, clearly, for no one to take another shot – no one … the covid-19 vaccines and all of their progeny and future boosters are not safe for human use … I implore you … to apply all pressure and due urgency to remove the covid-19 vaccines from market,” Dr. McCullough added. “The WHO is standing behind these vaccines. They are far more of a problem than a help … And it’s my belief that the European Union, the United States, and all major stakeholders should actually completely pull out of the WHO”
Take the time to watch this 17 minute full speech:
“The first false narrative was ‘the virus is unassailable we have to stay in lockdown and be fearful’. The second false narrative is ‘take a vaccine it’s safe and effective’. The third false narrative now is ‘it’s not the vaccine causing these problems it’s covid, it’s covid that we saw back in 2020 that’s causing all these problems in 2023’. Don’t fall for the false narrative … The vaccines are causing this enormous wave of illness.”