Prager's article carries the title, "Cuban-American Vote Explains Everything." (HT: Bob) Excerpt: [my bolding]
[...] Most American elementary schools and high schools, and nearly all
colleges and universities, teach everything that is significant from a
liberal/left perspective. Multiculturalism has replaced E Pluribus Unum;
the American past is villainous; the country is racist; morality is
relative; and the left-wing cause of the day -- now global warming -- is
taught as incontrovertible truth (ask your children if they have been
shown Al Gore's global warming video, "An Inconvenient Truth," or if
they have been taught both sides of the
man-made-global-warming-leading-to-catastrophe hypothesis).
schools, especially universities, are left-wing seminaries. The only
difference between your local college and a Christian seminary is that
the latter are more honest. The Christian seminary announces its goal --
to graduate committed Christians. The universities deceive when they
say they have no agenda other than to open minds. They may believe this
deception but it is one nevertheless. Almost no university ever has a
conservative speaker at its commencement exercises; nearly every
professor in liberal arts departments is a Democrat (and a left-wing
Democrat at that), and on the few occasions that conservatives do
receive an invitation to speak at a college, they are likely to be
continuously heckled, may well need body guards, or their invitation is
rescinded, as Fordham University did to Ann Coulter last week.
of the second Cuban-American generation have been far more influenced
by their schools and by television shows than by their parents. And the
same holds true for second and third and fourth and fifth generation
Americans of every background.
A long time ago schools taught
American history, not Politically Correct American history, as mandated,
for example, by California law -- which forbids the use of any
textbooks that do not emphasize the roles of women, blacks, Hispanics,
gays, lesbians, bisexuals and the transgendered. . . .
.. . The left has been utterly clear about what leftism stands for and has
used schools, the news media and the entertainment media to transmit
its values. As a result, the American trinity of Liberty, In God
We Trust, and E Pluribus Unum have been supplanted with egalitarianism,
secularism, and multiculturalism -- Europe's trinity.
And that is
why the children of Cuban-Americans, like the children of virtually
every other group in America, including white Anglo-Saxon Protestant
children, increasingly vote left.
Either conservatives -- from
presidential candidates to the rest of us -- learn what we stand for and
communicate it, or the greatest experiment in making a good society
will come to its end.