For sale signs a bit tacky? Give the wrong impression of a town? Unneeded because people search for homes online? For all of the above reasons and more, the town of New Canaan, Connecticut is experimenting with a six month ban on "For Sale" signs in front of homes.
But I think the most important reason may be the following:
They don’t want people to know how many people are fleeing high tax areas like Connecticut. While Massachusettes may be the worst state in terms of raw state taxes, when you add up the total state and local tax burden for residents, it’s actually barely in the top ten of the worst. New York and Connecticut hold the top (or actually bottom) spots, with 12.7% and 12.6% of residents’ income being vacuumed up respectively. (Alaska, Wyoming and South Dakota are the least taxed by that standard in case you were curious.) This is no doubt a contributing factor to Connecticut’s place on the list of states where the most people are leaving. They come in fourth, trailing only Illinois, New Jersy and New York.