Raymond Ibrahim, author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians, sets the record straight concerning Islam's record of persecuting Christians.
Raymond Ibrahim, author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians, sets the record straight concerning Islam's record of persecuting Christians.
Tuesday, 03 September 2013 in Islam, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0)
Jihad Watch reports:
"When you meet the unbelievers, strike at their necks..." -- Qur'an 47:4
"Extremists Slit Throats of 44 in Northeast Nigeria," from the Associated Press, August 24:
An official says suspected Islamist extremists killed at least 44 villagers in continuing attacks in an Islamic uprising in northeast Nigeria.The official of the National Emergency Management Agency says the attackers hit Dumba village in Borno state before dawn Tuesday and slit their victims' throats — a new strategy since gunfire attracts security forces.
He said the attackers gouged out the eyes of some victims who survived. The official spoke Saturday on condition of anonymity because he is not allowed to give information to reporters. [more...]
Me: More actions from the "religion of peace."
Tuesday, 27 August 2013 in Africa, Islam | Permalink | Comments (0)
Update 7/29/13 - Rez Aslan has been getting quite a bit of press recently. From First Things: "Reza Aslan Misrepresents His Scholarly Credentials"; World Magazine: "Fawning Over Falsehoods"; Pamela Geller - "Reza Aslan is Academia's Anwar Awlaki"
(Original article) - I found this news maddening. John S. Dickerson writes: (HT: Drudge)
Reza Aslan, author of the new book, “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” has been interviewed on a host of media outlets in the last week. Riding a publicity wave, the book has surged to #2 on Amazon's list.
Media reports have introduced Aslan as a “religion scholar” but have failed to mention that he is a devout Muslim.
His book is not a historian’s report on Jesus. It is an educated Muslim’s opinion about Jesus -- yet the book is being peddled as objective history on national TV and radio. . . .
As a sincere man, Aslan’s Muslim beliefs affect his entire life, including his conclusions about Jesus. But this is not being disclosed. “Zealot” is being presented as objective and scholarly history, not as it actually is—an educated Muslim’s opinions about Jesus and the ancient Near East.
"Zealot” is a fast-paced demolition of the core beliefs that Christianity
has taught about Jesus for 2,000 years. Its conclusions are long-held
Islamic claims—namely, that Jesus was a zealous prophet type who didn’t
claim to be God, that Christians have misunderstood him, and that the
Christian Gospels are not the actual words or life of Jesus but “myth.”
Reza Aslan, author of the new book, “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” has been interviewed on a host of media outlets in the last week. Riding a publicity wave, the book has surged to #2 on Amazon's list.
Media reports have introduced Aslan as a “religion scholar” but have failed to mention that he is a devout Muslim.
His book is not a historian’s report on Jesus. It is an educated Muslim’s opinion about Jesus -- yet the book is being peddled as objective history on national TV and radio. . . .
As a sincere man, Aslan’s Muslim beliefs affect his entire life, including his conclusions about Jesus. But this is not being disclosed. “Zealot” is being presented as objective and scholarly history, not as it actually is—an educated Muslim’s opinions about Jesus and the ancient Near East.
“Zealot” is a fast-paced demolition of the core beliefs that Christianity has taught about Jesus for 2,000 years. Its conclusions are long-held Islamic claims—namely, that Jesus was a zealous prophet type who didn’t claim to be God, that Christians have misunderstood him, and that the Christian Gospels are not the actual words or life of Jesus but “myth.” . . .
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 in Books, Islam, Pamela Geller | Permalink | Comments (0)
If only Western nations would absorb the truths Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains in this important interview, their approach to Israel and the Arab world would be drastically different. The bold emphases are my own.
Israel Hyom interviews Ali:
There is something dignified in the quiet, determined manner of Ayaan Hirsi Ali as she rises from the audience and walks towards the podium to deliver her lecture. Ayaan Hirsi Ali's intricate history starts in Somalia, where she was born to a Muslim family. At the age of five she underwent female genital mutilation. By her teens she was a devout Muslim. In her early twenties, upon learning of plans for an undesirable arranged marriage, she made her way to Holland, where she applied for asylum. Hirsi Ali studied at Leiden University and began publishing critical articles about Islam, the condition of the Muslim woman, and so forth.
She wrote the script for the Dutch movie "Submission" for director Theo van Gogh, who was subsequently murdered by a Muslim assassin. Hirsi Ali joined the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy and in 2003 was elected to the Dutch parliament. A few years later she moved to the United States, where she became a researcher at the American Enterprise Institute. She published some books; notably, an autobiography titled "Infidel" that became an international bestseller. Already in 2005, Time magazine named Hirsi Ali among the 100 most influential people in the world. The internet abounds with information about her, with articles and videos of her lectures.
She is doubly courageous: in her stand against Islam, leading to threats on her life, and vis a vis the Western liberal elite, which disapproves of criticism of multiculturalism and the blindness afflicting Western society in grasping the strategic threat to its existence as a free society.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali was visiting Israel for the recent Presidential Conference in Jerusalem.
Israel Hayom: In your lectures you made numerous references to the situation in the Middle East. You claim that people in the West do not understand that what is taking place in the Middle East is not a dialogue.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: More than one issue is at stake here. Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian context, the main problem is that you may speak of a peace process, but what you get is a process, not peace. And why is this process so prolonged? Because for the Israelis this issue is a territorial problem. For the Palestinian negotiators, on the other hand, it is not a territorial problem but a religious and ethnic one, It is not only about Palestinians but about all Arabs. Most of all, it is a religious problem. From the perspective of the Arab leaders, reaching a two-state solution is to betray God, the Koran, the hadith and the tradition of Islam.
Israel Hayom: Even though they are portrayed as secular?
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The presumption that the Palestinian negotiators are secular is not supported by facts. Were they secular, there would already be a settled territorial agreement of some kind. But there is no agreement as of today, because on one side it has become religious jihad of all or nothing, while on the other side it is still a territorial issue. Of course I know that there are Israelis who also perceive this as a religious problem; but their numbers pale in comparison to the Muslim side. Reaching a settlement that brings about two states is a religious betrayal -- not only for the leadership but for most Muslims today. The West does not understand this.
Israel Hayom: Why? After the many years you have lived in the West, how can you explain this?
Ayaan Hirshi Ali: The conception of religion in the West in the 20th and 21st century differs from that of Middle Eastern Muslims. The West successfully separated religion and politics, but even in places in the West where there is no distinct separation, still the concept of God and religion, even in the 13th or 15th century, differs to the current reality in the Middle East. Islam is an Orthopraxy, Islam has a goal. So if you are a true Muslim, you must fight for that goal. You can achieve a temporary peace or truce, but it is not ultimate, not everlasting. It is not just about the territory. Because the territory does not belong to the people; it belongs to God. So for a Palestinian leader -- even if he is secular, even an atheist -- to leave the negotiating room with the announcement of a two-state solution would mean that he would be killed the minute he walks out.
Sunday, 07 July 2013 in Islam, Israel, Palestinians | Permalink | Comments (0)
This hard-hitting historical survey should be filed away for ready reference. Originally published in the New York Post, I found it at VirtueOnline. Peters writes:
We are witnesses to murder, and our governments are accomplices. The relentless destruction of the last remnants of the Middle East's Judeo-Christian civilization is well under way. And we are silent.
Captives of political correctness, our governments cater to radical immigrant tantrums as our leaders contort the truth to deny the existence of Islamist terrorism. Meanwhile, our Middle Eastern "allies" and foes alike eradicate thousands of years of Jewish and Christian heritage. Our diplomats treat the persecution as a minor embarrassment, best ignored.
The banishments and butchery aren't new, but the breakdown of the last rotting order in the wake of the "Arab Spring" has empowered psychotic fanatics who do not even value the lives of the faithful, let alone the lives of unbelievers. This is the end-game, the final persecution of Christians clinging to lands they've called home for 2,000 years. Except for Israel and the rarest exceptions elsewhere, Jews are already gone from the realms that nurtured them since the early years of their faith.
A thousand years ago, there were more Christians in the Middle East than in Europe, and Jewish communities prospered from the Nile to the Tigris.
Even a century ago, more than 20% of the region's population was Christian, and Jews still adorned Arab cities with their talents. Today, estimates put the Christian population of the region at under 5% and sinking rapidly - and only that high because of the 9 million Copts who remain, for now, in Egypt.
Monday, 10 June 2013 in Islam, Middle East, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0)
I'm indebted to a friend, a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, for sending me this extraordinary interview with two people raised in Muslim countries who became followers of Christ. I found the stories gripping, well worth one's time to listen to.
I will post part 2 as soon as it becomes available.
Sunday, 09 June 2013 in Islam, Islam and Christianity, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (1)
I posted an article by Raymond Ibrahim yesterday and then today saw him interviewed on the 700 Club. His book, Crucified Again: The New Islamic War on Christians, looks outstanding, a book urgently needed to enlighten people living in ignorance of Islam's history and current jihad against Christians. Underneath the interview below, I have posted a helpful synopsis of the book by a reader, William Garrison Jr.
"Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians" by Raymond Ibrahim (April 2013), 322 pages. The author knows well of the sufferings of Christians at the hands of Muslim tormentors: he learned Arabic from his Egyptian Coptic Christian parents, has traveled throughout the Middle East, and his website maintains a blog of Islamic assaults against Christians, Jews and other mulhid, jahil, gird, and generic kafirun.
On Amazon, the "view inside" feature should be available, however, at the time of this posting, it is just of the e-book Kindle version. This book is not a cut-and-paste posting of his various internet columns; this isn't just a collection of newspaper clippings regarding tormented Christians. Instead, it is a remarkably detailed and scholarly study [52 pages of notes alone!], of Christian persecution (and at times near genocidal assault) throughout the Islamic world (as well as in countries where Muslims have a strong presence).
In Part 1: "Lost History": the author noted how that within the first couple hundred years of Muhammad's jihad the Muslim umma islamiya had conquered half of the Christian world. The author purveys Muhammad's holy book, the Qur'an, for ayat that justify the superiority of Muslims to conquer non-Muslim al-dhimma.
Part 2: "Islam's War On Christian Worship": Here the author discusses the Islamic jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh) for justifying Islamist curtailment of non-Muslim houses of worship, as well as the chastisement of their congregation. Today's attacks against Christian churches can be traced back 1,400 years ago to the Muslim conqueror of Jerusalem `The Conditions of Omar' (p. 33), and as expounded upon by other 14th Century Islamist theologians (p. 35).
Part 3: "Islam's War On Christian Freedom": the author reviews the history of Muhammad (al-insan al-kamil) ordering the killing of those who mocked him (p. 101), and how this developed the notion of blasphemy (tashif), whereby those who publicly question Islamic beliefs can be killed, as well as Christian proselytizers (dai'ya). The author recounts many accounts of Islamist attacks against Christians throughout the world [Caution: not for the fain-of-heart: there are 14 pages of full-color photographs of burned churches and many brutally butchered Christians, pp. 130+].
Part 4: "Climate of Hate": Herein the author details how Muslim governments "plant and nourish the seeds of hate" against non-Muslims.
Part 5: "See No Evil, Hear No Evil": The author explains why liberal academia and media "whitewash Islam and blame the West" for Islamic attacks against non-Muslims. Not a book with a happy ending. [Also see an important companion book: "Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians" by P. Marshall, et. al. (March 2013)].
Wednesday, 08 May 2013 in Egypt, Islam, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0)
I think this an unbelievable atrocity and no one (or very few) seem to be exercised about it. Raymond Ibrahim writes: HT: Drudge
A mass exodus of Christians is currently underway. Millions of Christians are being displaced from one end of the Islamic world to the other.
We are reliving the true history of how the Islamic world, much of which prior to the Islamic conquests was almost entirely Christian, came into being.
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recently said: “The flight of Christians out of the region is unprecedented and it’s increasing year by year.” In our lifetime alone “Christians might disappear altogether from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt.”
Ongoing reports from the Islamic world certainly support this conclusion: Iraq was the earliest indicator of the fate awaiting Christians once Islamic forces are liberated from the grip of dictators.
In 2003, Iraq’s Christian population was at least one million. Today fewer than 400,000 remain—the result of an anti-Christian campaign that began with the U.S. occupation of Iraq, when countless Christian churches were bombed and countless Christians killed, including by crucifixion and beheading.
The 2010 Baghdad church attack, which saw nearly 60 Christian worshippers slaughtered, is the tip of a decade-long iceberg.
Now, as the U.S. supports the jihad on Syria’s secular president Assad, the same pattern has come to Syria: entire regions and towns where Christians lived for centuries before Islam came into being have now been emptied, as the opposition targets Christians for kidnapping, plundering, and beheadings, all in compliance with mosque calls telling the populace that it’s a “sacred duty” to drive Christians away.
In October 2012 the last Christian in the city of Homs—which had a Christian population of some 80,000 before jihadis came—was murdered. One teenage Syrian girl said: “We left because they were trying to kill us… because we were Christians…. Those who were our neighbors turned against us. At the end, when we ran away, we went through balconies. We did not even dare go out on the street in front of our house.”
Tuesday, 07 May 2013 in Islam, Middle East, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0)
- Update 4/17/13 - Christianity Today published an extensive interview with Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh. The CT interview complements the interview below. Both highly recommended.
- Update #2 - To learn how to write Saeed Abidini and Farshid Fati, two Christians still imprisoned in Iran, go to http://captiveiniran.com/how-to-write-to-friends-of-the-authors/
- Original post - Iranian authorities sentenced Maryam and Marziyeh to death because they converted from Islam to Christianity. I found their faith and their testimony compelling. Their book, Captive in Iran, looks valuable:
Tuesday, 16 April 2013 in Iran, Islam, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0)
It's encouraging to see a TV commentator writing a column for USA Today on persecution of Christians, perhaps the most underreported story of our day! Her column bears the subtitle: "Christians are harassed in more countries -- 130 -- than any other religion in the world. She writes:
"Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world." So asserted German Chancellor Angela Merkel late last year, causing a stir. Merkel echoed a concern expressed by then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who warned in a 2011 speech that Christians face a "particularly wicked program of cleansing in the Middle East, religious cleansing."
Not 'War on Christmas'
Now, this is not about clerks who say "Happy Holidays" or bans of nativity scenes in public schools. Merkel spoke of real persecution ofhundreds of millions of Christians around the world. Indeed, a 2011 Pew Forum study found that Christians are harassed in 130 countries, more than any of the world's other religions.
The just-released book Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians provides the gory details behind these statistics. Persecuted is a collaboration of the Hudson Institute's Nina Shea, Paul Marshall and Lela Gilbert to catalog the human rights abuses visited upon Christian believers from North Korea to Mali. They define this persecution as Christians "who are tortured, raped, imprisoned, or killed for their faith." It's a worldwide phenomenon, but Shea points out a troubling acceleration in the cradle of Christianity's birth: the Middle East and North Africa. As London Guardian columnist Rupert Shortt wrote in January, "The religious ecology of the Middle East looks more fragile than ever, as the Arab Spring gives way to Christian Winter."
Tragically, Christians have been forced to abandon homelands they have occupied for thousands of years. Up to two-thirds of Christians have fled Iraq in the past ten years to escape massacres, church burnings and constant death threats. ManyChristians fled to Syria, where they are experiencing persecution anew. In Iran, U.S. pastor Saeed Abedini has been sentenced to eight years in prison for preaching Christianity. . . .
Wednesday, 03 April 2013 in Islam, Middle East, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0)
I read Crawford's enlightening journal article in the Spring 2011 Intercollegiate Review and am delighted to see it is available online. The four myths he cites are the following:
This is a truly excellent piece of work. Highly recommended. Read it in its entirety here.
Sunday, 17 March 2013 in History, Islam | Permalink | Comments (0)
Elizabeth Kendall of the Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin describes the scene:
Historically one of the most hospitable places for Christians in the Middle East, Syria is descending into 'hell'. Hijacked by the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis, the 'Arab Spring' has morphed into a Sunni Ascendency in which intolerant, fundamentalist Islam is subjugating and eliminating moderate and pluralist elements. The West is allied to the 'good' jihadists who are in turn allied to the 'bad' jihadists (al-Qaeda). Co-existence is being replaced with sectarian bloodletting. Secularism is being replaced with Islamisation. Jihadists are kidnapping, terrorising and killing Christians and destroying churches. Like most civilians caught in this civil war, Christians are suffering extreme hardship without medicines, doctors, heating, food and water. A Protestant pastor reports from Aleppo that starvation is now a greater concern than bombs. Please pray for the Church in Syria.
More details:
Wednesday, 06 February 2013 in Islam, Islamist threat, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
10/1/12 - One's day's activities associated with the "religion of peace" collated by Weasel Zippers -
Monday, 01 October 2012 in Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Andy McCarthy understands freedom, Islam, and sharia with a particular clarity rarely exhibited in Western journalism. His reflections on Turkey, and Islam in general, add greatly to a more mature and accurate understanding of Islam. I have highlighted sections I think especially worth noting.
[...] Like all Islamists, Erdogan [Prime Minister of Turkey] has contempt for Europe and the West. The objective of Muslim supremacists is to dominate and Islamize them, not emulate them. . .
In their obsession over not being seen as Islamophobic, in their purblind insistence that aggressive supremacism is not the nature of mainstream Islam, European elites assume that they know Islam better than did such Muslim giants as Atatürk and his contemporary, Hassan al-Banna — the Muslim Brotherhood founder who notoriously wrote that “it is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated” and that Islam sought “to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.”
It is an unremitting fact that mainstream Middle Eastern Islam is totalitarianism packaged as “religion.” To be sure, critics of Islam can go too far with this point. It is wrong to say, as some do, that Islam is not a religion. The doctrine has a number of spiritual principles — the oneness of Allah, to take a prominent example. There are, moreover, interpretations of Islam that focus only on its spiritual and mystical elements. If such interpretations were dominant, Islam would be of no more moment to us than it would if it were true, as the fiction holds, that Islam is a “religion of peace” that has been “hijacked” by “radicals.”
But the fact is that Islamic supremacism is the preponderant Islam of the Middle East. Yes, it is a religion, but it aspires to be so much more: to control every aspect of life, to impose sharia’s political, social, and economic strictures on civil society. Therefore, the guidelines for religions that pose no threat to free societies cannot be applied to Middle Eastern Islam without putting liberty in grave jeopardy.
In a truly free society, religious liberty is a bedrock. It must be safeguarded from governmental incursions. If, say, the Chinese Communists cared about such things (they don’t), it would make perfect sense to preclude them from integration with Europe until they ceased repressing religion (among other things). And we would have no hesitation about saying so, because Chinese totalitarianism is perceived as a political ideology, not a “religion.” Yet an Islamic society is not free precisely because of its religion — or, to put a finer point on it, because of its dictatorial sharia system, which we inaccurately describe as a mere “religion” due to the spiritual components that adorn its thoroughgoing regulation of non-spiritual life.
I hasten to add that it is no insult to call sharia a “dictatorial” and “totalitarian” system. Devout Muslims believe Allah, omnipotent and omniscient, has ordained sharia as the template for virtuous human life — every detail of that life. In their view, it is profoundly offensive for His creation, to whom He has deigned to give this gift, to disobey. One need not be a believer to understand why sharia-adherent Muslims believe we must all submit. To grasp this, however, is to understand that liberty and sharia cannot share the same space.
Sunday, 30 September 2012 in Islam, Sharia, Turkey | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
If I had the time, I would probably put up a dozen blog post links (out of 3 dozen or more!) that Weasel Zippers puts up throughout the day. If you scan the Weasel Zippers headlines and short squibs you will know a thousand per cent more than you would relying on newspapers or TV (including Fox News). Sample posts in the last few hours:
A glimpse into our “progressive” future should we choose to go down it.
Via Telegraph:
France is set to ban the words “mother” and “father” from all official documents under controversial plans to legalise gay marriage.
The move, which has outraged Catholics, means only the word “parents” would be used in identical marriage ceremonies for all heterosexual and same-sex couples.
The draft law states that “marriage is a union of two people, of different or the same gender”.
It says all references to “mothers and fathers” in the civil code – which enshrines French law – will be swapped for simply “parents”.
The law would also give equal adoption rights to homosexual and heterosexual couples.
Justice Minister Christiane Taubira told France’s Catholic newspaper La Croix: “Who is to say that a heterosexual couple will bring a child up better than a homosexual couple, that they will guarantee the best conditions for the child’s development?”
Note: Legalizing gay marriage and adoption was one of the first laws France’s socialist government passed after they were elected in May.
Silence infidels!
(Reuters) – The world’s largest Islamic body called on Tuesday for expressions of “Islamophobia” to be curbed by law, just as some countries restrict anti-Semitic speech or Holocaust denial.
Pakistan, speaking on behalf of the 56 countries that form the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), condemned a video made in the United States that defamed Islam and the Prophet Mohammad, igniting Muslim protests around the world this month.
“Incidents like this clearly demonstrate the urgent need on the part of states to introduce adequate protection against acts of hate crimes, hate speech, discrimination, intimidation and coercion resulting from defamation and negative stereotyping of religions, and incitement to religious hatred, as well as denigration of venerated personalities,” Pakistan’s ambassador Zamir Akram said in a speech to the U.N. Human Rights Council.
The Obama administration has condemned the film entitled “Innocence of Muslims” as “disgusting”. But Western countries remain determined to resist restrictions on freedom of speech and have already voiced disquiet about the repressive effect of blasphemy laws in Muslim countries such as Pakistan.
Akram said the crudely made video, as well as the burning of the Koran and the publication of defamatory cartoons, amount to “deliberate attempts to discriminate, defame, denigrate and vilify Muslims and their beliefs”.
Such acts constitute “flagrant incitement to violence” and are not protected by freedom of expression, Akram said. Rather, he said, Islamophobia must be acknowledged as a contemporary form of racism and be dealt with as such.
“Not to do so would be a clear example of double standards. Islamophobia has to be treated in law and practice equal to the treatment given to anti-Semitism, especially in legislations.”
Other posts:
Wednesday, 26 September 2012 in Europe, Free Speech, Homosexuality, Islam, Media | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Elizabeth Kendal offers helpful analysis on how to "pray through the [Muslim] riots."
Thursday, 20 September 2012 in Egypt, Islam, Middle East, Prayer | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
In an article subtitleld, "The group opposes a law curtailing Jew hatred," McCarthy sets the record straight on CAIR saying:
[...] CAIR is the Muslim Brotherhood bullhorn created to cheerlead for sharia, for Hamas, and for sundry other jihadists — all under the guise of “civil rights.” In unison with its “social justice” collaborators on the left, CAIR is most often found campaigning against “Islamophobia.” This is a term strategically created by the Brotherhood to slur as “defamation” or “incitement” (collectively, “hate speech”) any criticism of Islamic supremacism. That includes the ideology’s undeniable roots in Muslim scripture; its vow to destroy the West from within; and its promotion of terrorism against legitimate sovereign authority, spun as “resistance” against “occupation.”It is farce. CAIR has no real interest in hate speech per se. Indeed, it has no real interest in civil rights — no proponent of sharia could. Its sole actual imperative is Islamic supremacism: promoting any cause that increases Islamic influence and protesting any effort either to reduce Islamic influence or to subject Islamic-supremacist doctrine to scrutiny. Consequently, CAIR’s precious fretting over hate speech extends only so far as Islam is advanced or imperiled.
Saturday, 01 September 2012 in CAIR, Islam, Islam in America | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This is incredibly horrible... Such are the cold-blooded, demonic-inspired horrors currently taking place in the "Arab Spring." Weasel Zippers posted it, drawing on Gateway Pundit, and both drew on Gatestone Institute for the text below. I personally have not chosen to view the actual beheading, for obvious reasons.
Raymond Ibrahim of Gateway Institute writes:
Liberal talk show host Tawfiq Okasha recently appeared on "Egypt Today," airing a video of Muslims slicing off a young man's head off for the crime of apostasy -- in this instance, the crime of converting to Christianity and refusing to renounce it. The video—be warned, it is immensely graphic—can be seen here (the actual execution appears from minute 1:13-4:00). For those who prefer not to view it, a summary follows:
A young man appears held down by masked men. His head is pulled back, with a knife to his throat. He does not struggle and appears resigned to his fate. Speaking in Arabic, the background speaker, or "narrator," chants a number of Muslim prayers and supplications, mostly condemning Christianity, which, because of the Trinity, is referred to as a polytheistic faith: "Let Allah be avenged on the polytheist apostate"; "Allah empower your religion, make it victorious against the polytheists"; "Allah, defeat the infidels at the hands of the Muslims," and "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."
Then, to cries of "Allahu Akbar!"— Allah is greater!"—the masked man holding the knife to the apostate's throat begins to slice away, severing the head completely after approximately one minute of graphic knife-carving, as the victim drowns in blood. Finally, the severed head is held aloft to more Islamic slogans of victory.
Visibly distraught, Tawfiq Okasha, the host, asks: "Is this Islam? Does Islam call for this? How is Islam related to this matter?...These are the images that are disseminated throughout the electronic media in Europe and America…. Can you imagine?" Then, in reference to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis, whose political influence has grown tremendously, he asks, "How are such people supposed to govern?"
Only the other day, a prominent Egyptian Salafi leader -- referring to the canonical hadiths, including Muhammad's command, "Whoever leaves his religion, kill him" -- openly stated that no Muslim has the right to apostatize, or leave Islam.
Any number of Islamic legal manuals make explicitly clear that apostasy is a capital crime, punishable by death. The first "righteous caliph," a model of Muslim piety, had tens of thousands of former Muslims slaughtered—including by burning, beheading, and crucifixion—simply because they tried to break away from Islam. According to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the most authoritative reference work on Islam in the English language, "there is unanimity that the male apostate must be put to death."
Finally, a word on the "prayers" or supplications to Allah made by the Muslim executioners in the video: these are standard and formulaic. In other words, these are not just masked, anonymous butchers who pray to Allah as they engage in acts of cutting throats and holding up heads, these are top-ranking Muslim leaders, who appear regularly on TV, who invoke such hate-filled prayers. See here for examples of Muslims supplicating Allah to strike infidels with cancer and disease "till they pray for death and do not receive it;" there are even formalized prayers in Mecca, blasted on megaphones as Muslims honor their obligation to go on a pilgrimage at least once in their lives, supplicating Allah to make the lives of Christians and Jews "hostage to misery; drape them with endless despair, unrelenting pain and unremitting ailment; fill their lives with sorrow and pain and end their lives in humiliation and oppression."
"Is this Islam?" You decide.
Raymond Ibrahim is an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Liberal talk show host Tawfiq Okasha recently appeared on “Egypt Today,” airing a video of Muslims slicing off a young man’s head off for the crime of apostasy — in this instance, the crime of converting to Christianity and refusing to renounce it. The video — be warned, it is immensely graphic — can be seen here (the actual execution appears from minute 1:13-4:00). For those who prefer not to view it, a summary follows:
A young man appears held down by masked men. His head is pulled back, with a knife to his throat. He does not struggle and appears resigned to his fate. Speaking in Arabic, the background speaker, or “narrator,” chants a number of Muslim prayers and supplications, mostly condemning Christianity, which, because of the Trinity, is referred to as a polytheistic faith: “Let Allah be avenged on the polytheist apostate”; “Allah empower your religion, make it victorious against the polytheists”; “Allah, defeat the infidels at the hands of the Muslims,” and “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.”
Then, to cries of “Allahu Akbar!” — Allah is greater!” — the masked man holding the knife to the apostate’s throat begins to slice away, severing the head completely after approximately one minute of graphic knife-carving, as the victim drowns in blood. Finally, the severed head is held aloft to more Islamic slogans of victory.
Visibly distraught, Tawfiq Okasha, the host, asks: “Is this Islam? Does Islam call for this? How is Islam related to this matter?. . . These are the images that are disseminated throughout the electronic media in Europe and America. . . . Can you imagine?” Then, in reference to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis, whose political influence has grown tremendously, he asks, “How are such people supposed to govern?”
Monday, 04 June 2012 in Islam, Islam - Religion of Peace? | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
CBN reports:
At least 21 people are dead after attacks on churches in northern Nigeria. No group has claimed responsibility so far but there's signs the radical Islamic sect Boko Haram may be at work.
These latest attacks appear to be part of a violent campaign that the sect has waged for several years in the northern part of the country targeting the government and Nigerian Christians.
The city of Kano is the epicenter of Boko Haram's holy war against the country and the site of the largest attack this week-end. At least 16 died and 22 were injured after gunmen rode on motorcycles onto a university campus.
The attackers threw grenades in an area where local churches hold services, and ss worshippers ran out to escape the gunmen were waiting to shoot them.
In another city where Boko Haram once had its main mosque gunmen stormed into a church service and began firing. The pastor and four other worshippers died.
In the past, Boko Haram has said the deadly attacks won't stop until Sharia law rules the country. In the meantime, its work is creating a spirit of fear in northern Nigeria.
In January of this year Boko Haram launched its deadliest attack to date. Suicide bombers hit multiple locations in Kano killing 185 people.
"Their bombs are increasingly more sophisticated and more powerful so this has gone beyond the sort of local radical group," Paul Marshall, with the Hudson Institute, said.
Boko Haram has rejected efforts to begin indirect peace talks with Nigeria's government.
Meanwhile, the killings continue. It's believed the sect has killed more than 450 people already this year.
A church in Nairobi, Kenya was also attacked this week-end. One worshipper died and 15 were wounded after someone threw a grenade into the building during a service.
The incident marks the latest in a series of attacks since Kenya send troops into Somalia. Al-Qaeda linked Al-Shabab militants in Somalia have vowed to carry out a major attack on Kenya for sending in the troops.
Me: I am really upset, as I am sure you are. Imagine the fear Nigerian Christians must face continually. Being in a church has become the most dangerous place in the country. Can we please pray for the Nigerian Christians? Let us pray as well that the Nigerian government will be effective in destroying Boko Haram. Finally, let us pray that Nigerian Muslims will perceive that killing is wicked, and not godly, even though that realisation contradicts the Qur'an.
Monday, 30 April 2012 in Islam, Nigeria, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
What kind of reaction do you feel after watching this video? (HT: Atlas Shrugs)
Depressed? or?
Monday, 02 April 2012 in Collapse of the West, England, Europe, Islam | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
It's amazing to me to what extent American textbooks distort or suppress the truth in so many areas, including the basic history of Islam. Ibrahim's article, therefore, is important. He writes:
Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be instructive to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests.
Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World - from India in the east, to Spain in the west - were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time, with more after (e.g., the Ottoman conquests).
By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves, they were - and still are - regarded by today's Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).
Friday, 30 March 2012 in Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
- Fox News - Muslims, Atheists Pressure Military to Remove Christian Speaker
Me: I strongly recommend you read this. It won't make you happy. The De-Christianization of America and the U.S. military continues apace under this administration.
- Townhall - Horrific honor killing in Canada
Click through the headline above for an accompanying Fox video of the same thing happening in the U.S. Better not say anything, though, or you'll be accused of being an "Islamophobe" (see the first item). View the following:
Pamela Gellar says of the above interview, The segment is, in my opinion, unprecedented. Never before has this subject matter been discussed so boldly, so forthrightly, so fully, so accurately and so honestly on cable or broadcast news. I have been a frequent guest on Coren's show. He is on the front lines in the defense of freedom.
- U.K. Guardian - Ahmadinejad launches Spanish TV Channel to woo Cuba, So. America
Me: In one of the recent Republican primary debates, I heard Ron Paul asked about Iranian influence in South America and he didn't have a clue. Rick Santorum, on the other hand, was fully aware and answered brilliantly, expressing appropriate concern.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012 in Honor killing, Iran, Islam, Islam in America | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Nina Shea reports:
Another Christian in Pakistan has been murdered, and the local Catholic Church is calling her a “martyr of the faith.”
The 18-year-old Amariah Masih (also reported as Mariah Manisha), a Catholic girl from the village of Tehsil Samundari, near Faisalabad, in Punjab province, was shot dead on November 27, after putting up resistance when a Muslim man abducted her with the intent to rape her. Fr. Khalid Rashid Asi, General Vicar of the Catholic diocese of Faisalabad told Fides, the Catholic news agency, that “cases like these occur daily in Punjab. It is very sad; Christians, often girls, are helpless victims.”
The girl’s mother, Razia Bibi, 50, told the Catholic media outlet AsiaNews that she and her daughter were riding on a motorbike on their way to pick up drinking water, which is not available in their village, when a man seized the motorbike, grabbed the young woman, and tried to drag her away at gunpoint. As she tried to pull away, the man opened fire, killing her instantly. According to AsiaNews, the 28-year-old Muslim Arif Gujjar, the son of a wealthy local landowner, is in police custody for questioning for the murder of Amariah.
Amariah’s funeral was presided over by Fr. Zafal Iqbal, who said to Fides: “She is a martyr. . . . The girl resisted, she did not want to convert to Islam and she did not marry the man, who killed her for this.” He explained to AsiaNews: “Wealthy and influential landowners often take aim at those who are marginalized and vulnerable, for their dirty interests.” In Pakistan, a rape victim is often imprisoned for unlawful sex and released on the condition that she marry her rapist. Because, under sharia, a Muslim cannot be married to a Christian, the women in such cases are also forced to convert to Islam. In its sharia courts, the testimony of a Christian is worth less than that of a Muslim, and a Christian woman’s is worth less yet. The whole system is rigged against the Christian woman.
More information on Amariah can be found on the website of the Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations.
Meanwhile, Ruqqiya Bibi, a Christian woman, was sentenced in Pakistan in late October to a 25-year prison term for blasphemy on accusations that she defiled a Koran after handling it with unclean hands. Mrs. Bibi is not to be confused with Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five who was convicted of blasphemy following a dispute with other Muslim women with whom she had been working as a field hand, and who remains imprisoned after being sentenced to death a year ago.
Pakistan’s minister of minority affairs, Shahbaz Bhatti, also a Catholic, was murdered earlier this year, as was Punjab governor Salman Taseer, a Muslim, for calling for the repeal of the nation’s blasphemy law. Pakistan’s harsh blasphemy law is notoriously vague and ever expanding to include new applications.
The BBC reported on November 17 that the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority has told mobile-phone companies to begin blocking text messages containing “obscene” and otherwise “offensive” words. The name “Jesus Christ” was listed among them.
The discriminatory blasphemy law, which protects only Islam, generally encourages targeted violence against Christians, as well as against Ahmadiyas, Hindus, non-Sunni Muslims, and Sunni Muslim dissidents.
— Nina Shea is director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom and co-author, with Paul Marshall, of Silenced: How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes are Choking Freedoms Worldwide (Oxford University Press, November 2011).
Sunday, 04 December 2011 in Islam, Islam and Women, Pakistan, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
John J. Miller of National Review Online announced:
Today’s Between the Covers podcast is with Nina Shea, co-author of Silenced: How Apostasy & Blasphemy Codes Are Choking Freedom Worldwide. We discuss why Muslims seem so much touchier about their religion than people of other faiths, whether Muslim faith is compatible with modern democracy, and Canada’s persecution of Mark Steyn.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011 in Freedom of Religion, Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
From Family Research Council: (my bolding)
The current town of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, is anything but the peaceful town that we sing about at Christmas each year. Bethlehem--now under the control of the Palestinian Authority (PA)--is in the area that Jordan labeled the West Bank after it took control of a swath of land known as Judea and Samaria in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. During the six-day war of 1967, the Israeli military regained control of the area, but Jordan didn't relinquish its claims on the region until 1988, when it ceded authority to the PLO. Today, the PA, underwritten by the U.S., has governmental and security jurisdiction in several West Bank cities, including Bethlehem. In fiscal year 2010, America funneled more than $500 million dollars in economic support to the PA--nearly half of what the entire international community provided to prop up the fledging authority.
Knowing that the PA couldn't exist without U.S. funding, it was particularly disturbing what our delegation heard last week when we met with Pastor Naim Khoury at the First Baptist Church in Bethlehem. Pastor Khoury is a Christian Palestinian who recognizes and supports the right of Israel to live in and control the land God gave to them. His church of about 300 has seen tremendous growth as he boldly preaches the gospel to Jesus Christ in an area now dominated by Muslims.
Unfortunately, his courage has come at a steep price. The church, with worship banners adorning the walls, resembles a church you'd find in America's heartland. But looks can be deceiving. The church has been bombed 14 times and Pastor Khoury has been shot at four times during the course of his 32-year ministry. What's most troubling is the fact that the PA is trying to shut down this thriving evangelical church by refusing to recognize it. To us, that doesn't sound like a big deal. After all, who needs government approval? But this isn't a matter of tax-exemption, as some in the U.S. might be concerned with. In this Muslim-dominated region, as with most, you have to declare your religion or church (which, by default, is Muslim). If you worship in an unrecognized church, the consequences are astonishing. Parents can't obtain birth certificates for their babies, couples who want to get married cannot get a license, and congregants of an unregistered church will find employment hard to come by. (That explains why Pastor Khoury's church has almost 70% unemployment.)
The intent is obvious: to drive people away from churches in the very city that gave birth to the hope-filled, life-changing message of Jesus Christ. If the U.S. continues to prop up the PA with financial support, we are complicit in this discrimination and the hostile environment created by the PA toward these evangelical churches. While discrimination against Christians may not be troubling to the Obama administration, it should be to us as Christian taxpayers.
Washington UpdateBaker Won't Play Flour Girl at Gay 'Wedding'She may be a baker, but Victoria Childress isn't in it for the dough. At her Iowa Cake Cottage, she knows the recipe for success is sticking by your convictions--even if it costs you some business. So when two lesbians asked Childress to make their "wedding" cake this fall, she politely refused. "She introduced herself," Childress told Fox News, "and I said, 'Is this your sister?' She said, 'No, this is my partner.'" At that point, Victoria knew what she had to do. "I was straight-forward with them and explained that I'm a Christian, and that I have very strong [beliefs]." When the couple went to the press with their story, gay activists launched a boycott. "It's not to discriminate against them," Victoria explained on TV. "As I keep saying, it's not so much to do with them as it's to do with me and my walk with God and what I will have to answer for." The two lesbians don't see it that way. "It was degrading," they told KCCI. But apparently, calling Victoria a bigot is not? Obviously, the only form of discrimination that's acceptable in this country is directed at men and women of faith. Whether this couple likes it or not, religious freedom is for everyone--including Christian business owners. Just because Victoria runs a bakery doesn't mean she has to check her conscience at the kitchen door. Childress is well within her rights to decline an order that would force her to join in the assault on marriage. Usually, homosexual activists like to sugar-coat their agenda--but not these two. The couple came right out and admitted that this controversy " is not about cake or someone's right to refuse service to a customer." It's about running Christians out of business. Unfortunately, Americans don't seem to understand that religious freedom and same-sex "marriage" can never coexist. Why? Because the Left's definition of "tolerance" is surrender. And until more people like Victoria dig in their heels and refuse, homosexual activists will continue to bully anyone who disagrees with them. Despite the threats and hate mail, Victoria has no regrets. "People are telling me they were proud of me for standing up for my beliefs because not many people do that these days," she said. "Business people are afraid to because they're afraid to lose money." At the Cake Cottage, Victoria isn't worried about her profits getting battered. This baker's here to serve Jesus. What Liberals Aren't Telling You about the Defense Bill...The fiscal year may have kicked off on October 1, but the Senate is just now getting around to funding its departments. After the Armed Services Committee approved the Defense Authorization bill back in June, our sources tell us that Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) could bring the spending measure to the floor as early as this week. Unfortunately for our troops, the bill hides a lot more than appropriations. Buried deep in the Pentagon's budget is one major change in Defense policy. As part of the mark-up, the Senate included language repealing the military's sodomy ban. That's right. While liberals couldn't be bothered to consider amendments protecting religious liberty or marriage, they did find time to advance the President's perverse agenda. If the bill passes, our troops will have Congress's approval to introduce sodomy in the ranks. There's also a distinct possibility (as we mentioned last week) that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) could try to sneak an amendment onto the Defense bill to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). While there's no confirmation that she'll go through with it, Feinstein would have to scrounge up 60 votes just to attach the anti-marriage bill onto the final legislation. That's a tall task in this Senate climate where many incumbent Democrats don't want to be seen voting for sodomy and against marriage! If those developments weren't disturbing enough, rumors are circulating that the Pentagon is quietly planning to move forward with its first-ever policy to place women in combat roles. While the life of any deployed soldier is tough, the growing number of female recruits means even greater sacrifices on the home front, as many cope with long tours in the Middle East. Women historically have played a vital role in America's military, and they should continue to serve where appropriate--but not on or near the front lines. FRC will keep you posted on these rumblings as we have more details. For now, it's just speculation. Let's hope it stays that way. Woe Little Town of BethlehemThe current town of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, is anything but the peaceful town that we sing about at Christmas each year. Bethlehem--now under the control of the Palestinian Authority (PA)--is in the area that Jordan labeled the West Bank after it took control of a swath of land known as Judea and Samaria in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. During the six-day war of 1967, the Israeli military regained control of the area, but Jordan didn't relinquish its claims on the region until 1988, when it ceded authority to the PLO. Today, the PA, underwritten by the U.S., has governmental and security jurisdiction in several West Bank cities, including Bethlehem. In fiscal year 2010, America funneled more than $500 million dollars in economic support to the PA--nearly half of what the entire international community provided to prop up the fledging authority. Knowing that the PA couldn't exist without U.S. funding, it was particularly disturbing what our delegation heard last week when we met with Pastor Naim Khoury at the First Baptist Church in Bethlehem. Pastor Khoury is a Christian Palestinian who recognizes and supports the right of Israel to live in and control the land God gave to them. His church of about 300 has seen tremendous growth as he boldly preaches the gospel to Jesus Christ in an area now dominated by Muslims. Unfortunately, his courage has come at a steep price. The church, with worship banners adorning the walls, resembles a church you'd find in America's heartland. But looks can be deceiving. The church has been bombed 14 times and Pastor Khoury has been shot at four times during the course of his 32-year ministry. What's most troubling is the fact that the PA is trying to shut down this thriving evangelical church by refusing to recognize it. To us, that doesn't sound like a big deal. After all, who needs government approval? But this isn't a matter of tax-exemption, as some in the U.S. might be concerned with. In this Muslim-dominated region, as with most, you have to declare your religion or church (which, by default, is Muslim). If you worship in an unrecognized church, the consequences are astonishing. Parents can't obtain birth certificates for their babies, couples who want to get married cannot get a license, and congregants of an unregistered church will find employment hard to come by. (That explains why Pastor Khoury's church has almost 70% unemployment.) The intent is obvious: to drive people away from churches in the very city that gave birth to the hope-filled, life-changing message of Jesus Christ. If the U.S. continues to prop up the PA with financial support, we are complicit in this discrimination and the hostile environment created by the PA toward these evangelical churches. While discrimination against Christians may not be troubling to the Obama administration, it should be to us as Christian taxpayers. |
Wednesday, 16 November 2011 in Anti-Christian, Islam, Israel, Palestinians, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
If news reports are accurate (which I reported a short while ago), Iranian Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani's captors are forcing him to read Muslim arguments against Christianity to try and persuade him to convert or else he will be hanged! (Nice, friendly people, these Muslims: "Renounce Christianity! Convert or die!")
Hopefully, Pastor Nadarkhani is well armed against the myriad falsehoods, misrepresentations, and ignorance that characterizes most Muslim argumentation. An example of a person who faced the question, "Islam or Christianity?" is Nabeel Qureshi. He recounts his story in "An Intellectual and Spiritual Journey from Islam to Christianity." He writes:
Saturday, 05 November 2011 in Christian Mind, Faith and Reason (Apologetics), Islam, World Religions Compared | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
From CBN News:
ISTANBUL, Turkey -- Tunisia's leading Islamist party recently captured most of the votes in the country's first open election in decades.
For many, the move was another sign that Islam, not democracy, would continue to dominate the Middle East.
Some feel Muslim groups in the region are working harder than ever to re-establish an Islamic caliphate, or Islamic state.
When Muhammed died 14 centuries ago, the Muslim world needed someone to take the prophet's place.
"The caliphate was the leadership of Islam after the death of Muhammad the prophet of Islam," explained Islamic expert Moshe Sharon.
The last caliphate was located in Istanbul, Turkey. For 400 years, Istanbul and the Topkapi Palace was the political center of the Muslim world.
From there, the Turkish sultans ruled the Ottoman Empire as caliphs from 1517 until the empire fell after World War I.
But in 1924, the Turkish leader Attaturk abolished the caliphate. Since then, many Muslims have dreamed of its return.
"The major aim of the caliphate is to rule the world and this can be done under the leadership of one caliph and he himself only can declare a holy war, a jihad," Sharon explained.
Thursday, 27 October 2011 in Islam, Islamist threat | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Elizabeth Kendal writes: [my emphases]
The West's reluctance to challenge the immoral religious aparthide inherent in Islam is both immoral and short-sighted. If the West truly believes in the principle of universal human rights, then religious and cultural rights can never trump human rights. Furthermore, silence in the face of Islamic religious aparthide is discriminatory; for why should these victims be less worthy of our moral outrage? Anyone who maintains that the systematic religious aparthide inherent in Islam is the religious right of Muslims, is clearly no defender of universal human rights.
See also: A Double-Bind Upon the Copts: dhimmitude in action.
Rev Dr Mark Durie, Monday, October 10, 2011
Quote: "The Copts are in a double bind. If they protest against the abuses brought upon their heads by the dhimma system, they are treated as rebels, and the value of their blood and possessions discounted accordingly: the more they protest, the less right they have under Islamic law even to exist. On the other hand, the more they acquiesce, the more voracious and emboldened their persecutors will become. [. . .] The international community will be held accountable if they do not act swiftly on the brutal attacks towards Egypt’s Coptic Christians who are suffering under a modern day form of apartheid where institutionalised discrimination and deadly attacks have a become a way of life for Egypt’s 15 million Copts."
The forgotten Christians of the East
By Caroline B. Glick, Jerusalem Post, 10 Oct 2011
Quote: "JUST AS the Jews of the Islamic world were forcibly removed from their ancient communities by the Arab rulers with the establishment of Israel in 1948, so Christians have been persecuted and driven out of their homes. Populist Islamic and Arab regimes have used Islamic religious supremacism and Arab racial chauvinism against Christians as rallying cries to their subjects. These calls have in turn led to the decimation of the Christian populations of the Arab and Islamic world. [. . .] It is unclear what either Western governments or Western churches think they are achieving by turning a blind eye to the persecution and decimation of Christian communities in the Muslim world. As Sunday’s events in Egypt and other daily anti-Christian attacks by Muslims against Christians throughout the region show, their behavior is not appeasing anyone. What is clear enough is that they shall reap what they sow."
Monday, 24 October 2011 in Egypt, Freedom of Religion, Islam, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
In addition: Robert Spencer argues there is no meaningful distinction between "Islam" and "Islamist." Such is an artificial distinction imposed by the West without substance or merit.
(Original Post) - It seems many people fail to understand that Islam is a "political religion." Elizabeth Kendal, the editor of the "Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin," has produced one of the finest, succinct statements of that fact I have come across:
"Islam is a political religion that aims to achieve dominance -- demographically or through military or political conquest -- so that Muslims might rule and Sharia (Islamic Law / the law of Allah) might be applied. Where Islam is dominant, atheists and polytheists have two choices: convert to Islam or die. Jews and Christians (the People of the Book), however, have a third choice: dhimmitude -- they may pay for their 'protection' (i.e. their right to life) with 'jizya' ('tax': religiously sanctioned extortion) and by submitting to total subjugation and abject humiliation (Sura 9:29 http://quran.com/9/29 ). This state of subjugation is one of immense insecurity, vulnerability, perpetual anxiety and psychological trauma. The people subjugated are known as dhimmi (singular) and dhimma (plural). The agreement between Muslims and the dhimma is known as the dhimma pact. If the dhimma pact is violated, then 'protection' ends and jihad resumes. Europe's rise and Islam's decline -- commencing in the late 17th Century and culminating in defeat for Islamic forces in the 20th Century's two world wars -- saw dhimmitude wane. Today, however, Islam is back and so too is dhimmitude -- and nowhere is this more evident than in Egypt."
I learned from reading Kendal's latest blog post that 19,000 Coptic Christians have fled Egypt since March 19, 2011. "This figure," she writes, "comes from a report by the Egyptian Federation of Human Rights (EFHR). Furthermore, Naguib Gabriel, the head EFHR, estimates that the figure could increase to 250,00 by the end of 2011. NGO report: 93,000 Copts left Egypt since March
Kendal offers a strategic collection of materials related to the recent horrible "Maspero Massacre."
Monday, 24 October 2011 in Egypt, Freedom of Religion, Islam, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
And free speech, as well. I found the transcript of Wilders' final remarks at his trial today eloquent and compelling. He is a modern day hero, a man willing to speak the truth about Islam -- political correctness be damned. For such bravery he has been brought to trial and his life constantly threatened. That the Western press refuses to cover the story is scandalous, a further example of the ineptitude and utter unreliability of the so-called MSM to cover major stories of our time. (Previous posts about Wilders here, here, and here.)
Mister President, members of the Court,
I am here because of what I have said. I am here for having spoken. I have spoken, I speak and I shall continue to speak. Many have kept silent, but not Pim Fortuyn, not Theo Van Gogh, and not I.
I am obliged to speak. For the Netherlands is under threat of Islam. As I have argued many times, Islam is chiefly an ideology. An ideology of hatred, of destruction, of conquest. It is my strong conviction that Islam is a threat to Western values, to freedom of speech, to the equality of men and women, of heterosexuals and homosexuals, of believers and unbelievers.
All over the world we can see how freedom is fleeing from Islam. Day by day we see our freedoms dwindle.
Wednesday, 01 June 2011 in Europe, Free Speech, Heroes, Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
On issues related to Islam and jihad, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is always important reading. In her latest essay, she explains the "gradualist" strategy the Muslim Brotherhood is employing in Egypt and elsewhere. She also describes what a country controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood looks like. A few excerpts:
[...] Unlike Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood has evolved and learned the hard way that the use of violence will be met with superior violence by state actors. The clever thing to do, it now turns out, was to be patient and invest in a bottom-up movement rather than a commando structure that risked being wiped out by stronger forces. Besides, the gradualist approach is far more likely to win the prize of state power. . .
Make no mistake: The Brotherhood are working to realize the vision summarized in their motto: "Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Qur'an is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."
A series of concrete goals derived from this motto used to be available on their website, though this is (perhaps not surprisingly) unavailable at the present time. Fortunately, some of the contents have been republished at http://mideastweb.org.. . .
Tuesday, 10 May 2011 in Islam, Muslim Brotherhood | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Story here. Another Christian martyr killed by the "religion of peace." Perhaps it is particularly fitting to post the news today, Good Friday, the day on which the "Prince of Peace" was himself judicially murdered by humankind.
NAIROBI, Kenya, April 20 (CDN) — Two Muslim extremists in Somalia on Monday (April 18) murdered a member of a secret Christian community in Lower Shabele region as part of a campaign to rid the country of Christianity, sources said.
An area source told Compass two al Shabaab militants shot 21-year-old Hassan Adawe Adan in Shalambod town after entering his house at 7:30 p.m. [more . .]
Friday, 22 April 2011 in Islam, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Andy McCarthy, author of The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America, and a man I respect for his knowledge of things Islamic, writes in a National Review Online article :
To this day, the Brotherhood’s motto remains, “Allah is our objective, the Prophet is our leader, the Koran is our law, Jihad is our way, and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu akbar!”
Still, our see-no-Islamic-evil foreign-policy establishment blathers on about the Brotherhood’s purported renunciation of violence — and never you mind that, with or without violence, its commitment is, as Qaradawi puts it, to “conquer America” and “conquer Europe.”
McCarthy's article represents an important counter-balance to writers such as Bruce Riedel ("Don't fear Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood"), which McCarthy calls "the classic, conventional-wisdom response to the crisis in Egypt." Read McCarthy to get the full scoop.
- George Weigle writes cogently, "Egypt's Coptic Christians Deserve a Word from President Obama." Weigle says:
Monday, 31 January 2011 in Egypt, Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Obama reign | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Pakistani-born Church of England Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali responds to an article on "Islamophobia" in Britain: (my bolding)
'Diversity cannot be mere diversity. It must be consistent with the best of British values, such as human dignity, freedom and equality, which derive from the Judaeo-Christian tradition of the Bible.
'I know from personal experience that extremism as a mind-set is spreading throughout the Muslim world. We do not want it to spread here through the teaching of hate and the radicalisation of the young.
'That is why we must distinguish between those Muslims who want to live peacefully with their non-Muslim neighbours and those who wish to introduce Shari'a into this country, restrict freedom of speech and confine women to their homes, not to speak of introducing draconian punishments such as death for blasphemy recently awarded to a poor Christian woman in Pakistan.
'If relations are to improve between Muslims and other people in the world, these are the kind of issues that must be tackled.'
Monday, 24 January 2011 in Islam, Multiculturalism, Quotes of the day | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Elliot's article on Muslim-Christian relations was solicited and then rejected by the Washington Post's "On Faith" blog. In the interest of free speech Pajama's Media picked it up. It is well worth reading.
“Mutual blasphemers, love one another!” is the title of an essay I published many years ago. Now as then, the human project is to learn not only to live with, but to love, “the blasphemers” (meaning whichever of the two religions is not yours).
1. But the project, so defined, is not neutral. It is Christian and humanist. Christian: Jesus said, “Love your enemies.” Islam, to the contrary, is essentially hostile to “the infidels.” Humanist: Calling evil good is bad news, but the worst news is violence done in the name of God (spelled out, for example, in Mohamed Atta’s theological justification for the attack he led, “9/11”).
2. Blasphemy (irreverent speech or action against a deity or religious person/belief/object) is currently in the news only when Muslims become violent, or threaten violence, when they feel offended: when we Christians feel offended, almost never do we become violent, and almost always we suffer the disrespect in silence.
In the New Testament (and other early Christian literature), much is said about nonviolence, never is violence commanded or even suggested; it is forbidden. Not so, early Muslim literature. The contrast is to be expected: Jesus was anti-violent, Muhammad was violent (a military leader as well as a religious leader).
Friday, 21 January 2011 in Christian Mind, Islam, World Religions Compared | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
After watching the YouTube video below, scroll down for notices of Muslim Christmas Day bombings around the world. (HT: Atlas Shrugs)
Me: Fjordman, writing from his Scandinavian vantage point, and having studied Islam and the Islamist threat for years, wrote an article a few days ago that startles conventional thinking. It certainly startled me. It needs to be read. "Why Islam Must be Expelled from the West" (HT: DV)
Also, I just read a fascinating dialog between Dr. Peter Kreeft and Mr. Robert Spencer on the topic "Is the Only Good Muslim a Bad Muslim? Video and transcript are provided. One can hardly conceive a more painless way to advance one's understanding of Islam than via a dialog such as this.
Saturday, 25 December 2010 in Islam, Islamist threat | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I noted the ridiculous editorial independently, but am glad Mark Krikorian took the time to write about it:
[The WSJ..] ran an editorial this week entitled “Islam’s Christians” that would have fit in nicely at the New York Times. The piece bemoaned the persecution of Christians in Iraq and Egypt but contrasted their current plight with the shangri-la of tolerance that reigned in the Middle East until recently:
With the rise of radical Islam, this tradition of peaceful and productive coexistence has been displaced by a practice of religious cleansing.
This is something so provincial and uninformed that only an educated cosmopolitan could write it; maybe we should be thankful the piece didn’t pine for the tolerant utopia of Al-Andalus. “Tradition of peaceful and productive coexistence”? Why do they think there were only a million Christians left in Iraq before our invasion? Why is Egypt, once a Christian country, now 90 percent Muslim? Has anyone taken communion in Hagia Sophia in the past 500 years? Did the Christians all just move away from all that “peaceful and productive coexistence”?
Even the glimmer of sense at the end is based on a fantasy version of Islam:
Living amid an overwhelmingly large majority, the small Christian sects pose no conceivable threat to Islamic hegemony. One can only conclude that they are attacked merely because they exist amid Islamic majorities. The implications of watching a strain of Islam show that it cannot coexist with others extend well beyond the borders of Iraq.
Get that: “a strain of Islam” that “cannot coexist with others” — what other strains are there? But then we probably shouldn’t expect better from the anonymous editorialist who wrote this:
Some of these Christian minorities have coexisted with Islam in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East since the time of Jesus.
Now, I’m not too good with dates, but I’m pretty sure there was no Islam at “the time of Jesus.” And that’s not the kind of slip that happens when you’re in a hurry, like writing “there” for “their” — that’s the kind of thing that happens when a completely uninformed person substitutes political correctness for reality.
I expect that the seminar on Capitol Hill today by Voice of the Copts featured a more realistic view of all that “peaceful and productive coexistence,” because the Copts have been staring down the business end of Islam for almost 1,400 years now.
Me: What are we to make of an influential paper with no one on its editorial staff who knows even the most elementary facts about Islam and its history? Amazing. Shocking. Depressing.
Thursday, 16 December 2010 in Islam, Political Correctness | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Pamela Geller writes:
A Presbyterian minister was beaten, burned and left for dead by six Muslims in Pakistan on his way home from preaching at a nearby church. The police are refusing to investigate, because the Muslims involved are the sons of a powerful land owner. The police have allegedly been bribed, or perhaps they, too, are devout and pious Muslims.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010 in Islam, Pakistan, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Nina Shea, writing in National Review Online, notes that the New York Times has finally decided to cover the story. (Where have they been all these years???) Shea writes:
The obliteration from Iraq of its ancient Christian presence — and with it the reality of religious freedom and pluralism — is an unintended consequence of the U.S. invasion but has never been factored in as a U.S. strategic concern. There is no Obama policy, not even a safe-haven or refugee policy, designed specifically to help Iraq’s Christians as they confront religious cleansing.
Similarly, Mindy Belz, writing in World Magazine, asks, "Why has U.S. war strategy left out religious minorities in the Middle East?" She writes:
[...] It's always been curious to me that the successful strategy to stamp out sectarian violence somehow did not extend to protecting Iraq's minorities, particularly a Christian population that stretched back nearly 2 millennia and numbered up to 1.5 million under Saddam Hussein. By December 2007, church leaders estimated, that population had been halved through death and displacement to somewhere under 700,000. . . .
Monday, 13 December 2010 in Freedom of Religion, Iraq, Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The full title of the article to which I am linking is actually "The Tragedy of Iraq's Christians is that it doesn't interest anyone." No, it doesn't. As I noted before, media outlets in the U.S. ignore the plight of Christians in Muslim-dominated lands. As Marisol, the writer of this piece says,
we noted the silence of CNN's website in the midst of another wave of jihadist attacks against Christians in Iraq. Dancing with the Stars merited a mention, along with Sarah Palin on baking cookies and other human interest pieces. Another escalation in the latest violent campaign to convert or expel non-Muslims from the Middle East? Not so much
Saturday, 13 November 2010 in Iraq, Islam, Persecution of Christians | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The redoubtable Andrew C. McCarthy clears the air once again. He writes:
[...] Since I wrote my last book, The Grand Jihad, and participated in the recently released “Team B-II” study called “Sharia: The Threat to America,” I’ve heard a good deal of criticism along the lines of “Sharia doesn’t really say what he claims it says,” or “Some scholars offer a different, moderate interpretation,” etc. I humbly submit that this misses the point. I went out of my way in
Tuesday, 05 October 2010 in Islam, Islamist threat, Japan | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Andy McCarthy posts:
That’s from the avuncular Muslim cleric Sa’d Arafat, from an interview on Al-Nas TV in Egypt last February, featured by the invaluable MEMRI. You can watch the interview excerpt here. And, since we certainly wouldn’t want to take the sheikh out of context, here’s a transcript (presented without further comment because, well, what more can you say?):
Interviewer: Wife beating is a serious accusation [leveled against Islam]. Let us examine this matter bit by bit.
Sa’d Arafat: Allah honored wives by instating the punishment of beatings.
Interviewer: Honored them with beatings? How is this possible?
Sa’d Arafat: The prophet Muhammad said: “Don’t beat her in the face, and do not make her ugly.” See how she is honored. If the husband beats his wife, he must not beat her in the face. Even when he beats her, he must not curse her. This is incredible! He beats her in order to discipline her.
In addition, there must not be more than ten beatings, and he must not break her bones, injure her, break her teeth, or poke her in the eye. There is a beating etiquette. If he beats to discipline her, he must not raise his hand high. He must beat her from chest level. All these things honor the woman.
She is in need of discipline. How should the husband discipline her? Through admonishment. If she is not deterred, he should refuse to share the bed with her. If she is not repentant, he should beat her, but there are rules to the beating. It is forbidden to beat her in the face or make her ugly. When you beat her, you must not curse her. Islam forbids this.
Interviewer: With what should be beat her? With his bare hand? With a rod?
Sa’d Arafat: If he beats her, the beatings should not be hard, so that they do not leave a mark. He can beat her with a short rod. He must avoid beating her in the face or in places in the head where it hurts. The beatings should be on the body and should not come one right after the other. These are all choices made during the process, but beatings are allowed only as a last resort. [...]
The honoring of the wife in Islam is also evident in the fact that the punishment of beating is permissible in one case only: when she refuses to sleep with him.
Interviewer: When she refuses to sleep with him?
Sa’d Arafat: Yes, because where else could the husband go? He wants her, but she refuses….
Me: IT's quite unbelievable that
Thursday, 23 September 2010 in Islam, Islam and Women | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Andrew C. McCarthy writes: (my emphases)
Last night, I was on David Asman’s Fox Business Channel show, Scoreboard, debating Imam Dawoud Kringle of the New York State prison system, a GZ mosque supporter. Imam Kringle, who seems like a nice enough fellow, reeled off the usual talking points about how Islam forbids terrorism and, therefore, if someone commits an act of terrorism that act is, by definition, un-Islamic.
Then came the moment of truth: the very simple question, “Is Hamas a terrorist organization?” Have a look at the YouTube clip below. Like his friend Imam Feisal Rauf, Imam Kringle won’t answer the question. I pressed him, pointing out that it is a very simple question. And it is: Quite apart from the fact that Hamas is formally designated as a terrorist organization under U.S. law, Hamas’s own charter makes abundantly clear — indeed, wears like a badge of honor — that Hamas exists solely for the purpose of driving Israel out of Palestine by violent jihad. Yet the imam cannot bring himself to say Hamas is a terrorist organization.
This is a game that sharia-promoting Islamists like Feisal Rauf have raised to an art form. As I explain in the debate, it is why they can look you in they eye, claim in all apparent earnestness that they condemn “terrorism,” and yet excuse Hamas, call for the “one-state solution” for Israel, and support the Iranian theocracy — the leading terrorist state in the world. They do not consider the killing of non-Muslims whom they portray as opposing Islam to be terrorism — they call that “resistance.” They know if they merely say they deplore “terrorism,” the media and the Left will swoon and call them “moderates.” But what you think you’re hearing, and what they’re actually saying, are two very different things.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010 in Islam, Islam in America, Islamic Moderates, Islamist threat | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Not without a major reform movement. We in the free West need to wake up to that reality sooner rather than later, and quit kidding ourselves. That said, what kind of game plan should the Free West employ? Andy McCarthy offers comments in his post, "Islamophobia" Or Empowering Pro-Western Muslims?:
My column today addresses what I think is the real battle for religious liberty in the Ground Zero mosque controversy. The question is whether, wittingly or unwittingly, we are going to keep supporting authoritarian Islam – the mainstream, sharia-promoting Islam of the Middle East — or expose and marginalize Islamist ideology, in the hope that a real reformist, pro-Western Islam can emerge.
Having worked for a very long time with moderate Muslims, I can tell you it’s disheartening to be called an Islamophobe. Not by the CAIR types — who cares what they say? No, it’s when the charge (or at least the whiff of it) comes from thoughtful people, people like Ron Radosh, whom I admire. When that sort of thing happens, it tells me two things: first, the smear tactics of the CAIR types work; second, maybe I haven’t been clear enough — although God knows I have tried to be — about my position.
I have long argued that: (1) Islam is not a moderate doctrine; (2) Islamists who practice terror and are otherwise aggressive toward non-Muslims (and toward Muslims who disagree with them) are not twisting or perverting Islam; (3) this does not mean that the Islamist interpretation of Islam is the only possible viable interpretation; but (4) a concrete theology of “moderate Islam” does not exist (even though there are plenty of moderate Muslims) and therefore it will have to be created; and (5) because it will have to be non-literal and reformist, it will have a tough time competing with Islamist ideology which, however noxious it may be, has the advantage of being firmly rooted in Islamic scripture. Nevertheless, (6) Islamist ideology is anti-constitutional and anti-freedom in many of its core particulars, so that (7) if, instead of letting them pretend to be “moderates,” we force Islamists to defend their beliefs, we will marginalize them — at least in our society, which (8) will empower true moderate Muslim reformers and — maybe — give them the space they need to solidify a coherent, moderate Islam that embraces the West, and in particular the separation of secular public life from privately held religious beliefs.
There is more to say about all this, not least to observe that we may be arriving at a juncture at which most people of good will agree that Islam as-is is problematic, that promoting real moderate Islam (meaning reformist Islam) is vital, and that our real difference of opinion is how to do it: Do we expose and confront the Islamists, or do we embrace them — as long as they seem not to be terrorists themselves — and hope that we can co-opt them before they co-opt us?
On that point, and many others, I commend readers to Roger Kimball’s stellar response to Ron Radosh’s thoughtful essay. As usual, Roger says a lot of what I want to say — except better than I could say it.
Me: The Roger Kimball post mentioned above is MUST READING
Saturday, 21 August 2010 in Islam, Islam in America, Islamic Moderates, Islamist threat | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
From the Washington Examiner editorial:
It is impossible to view Time magazine's cover photograph of Aisha, an 18-year-old Afghan girl whose nose and ears were severed by her husband and brother-in-law on the order of a Taliban commander, without shuddering in recoil. Her "crime" was nothing more than fleeing the hellish home of in-laws who had beaten and enslaved her. That Aisha's only recourse in the face of such abuse was to run and hide is testimony to the reality that, in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Muslim world that Sharia law prevails, women are at best second-class citizens. Sharia is the vehicle by which the most oppressive tenets of extreme Islamic religion become the civil law of any society on which it is imposed. In many such places, daily life for women and girls remains today much
Wednesday, 11 August 2010 in Islam, Islam and Women, Women | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The remarkable Pamela Geller, Executive Director of SIOA ("Stop Islamization of America") says:
Today the SIOA honor killing victims awareness and aid campaign rolled out in New York City.
Stop Islamization of America's (SIOA) next campaign to reach and educate the American people has hit the streets of Chicago, the first in a nationwide campaign: taxitops! I thought it was a perfect medium to get our message to the people who are hungry, tired of the lies and starving for information that the media is too afraid to provide.
Keep reading for a lot more information.
Monday, 26 July 2010 in Islam, Islam in America | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
See Mark De Young's article. Excerpt:
. . . Imams and mosques are performing marriage ceremonies that are not registered under English law.
As a direct result, about two-thirds of Muslim marriages are not registered. Consequently, women in such marriages have no choice but to go to sharia tribunals.
A more disturbing result of affording marriage arbitration to sharia courts is forced marriage. 2008 (the year after the establishment of the Muslim tribunals) saw an 80 percent increase in forced marriages. A government unit reported 8,000 forced marriages that year, including girls as young as 13. . . [more...]
Sunday, 11 July 2010 in England, Islam, Islam and Women | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Anyone interested in Islam needs to read the interview (below) Wafa Sultan gave a few days ago to a Dutch journalist. Sultan, a medical doctor and former Muslim (and author of A God Who Hates reviewed here) is in the Netherlands to provide expert testimony in the Amsterdam Court "show trial' of Geert Wilders, leader of the PVV (Freedom Party) and courageous critic of Islam.
From Atlas Shrugged:
. . . Interviewer: What do you make of his [Geert Wilder's] message?
Wafa Sultan: It is very good. It is very good for someone to stand up against the violent Islamic teachings and try to protect his country and his values, his freedoms, his way of life. I admire every man who does what Mr Wilders is doing. You need to stand up and speak up against it.
Interviewer: What do you make of this trial against him?
Wafa Sultan: It is scary. It is a very scary message that you are threatened, that Islam might be able to take over. You accuse, I mean you know, the Dutch Court accuses Mr Wilders of hate speech and I wonder why they don't call the Qur'an a Hate Message. When you read the Qur'an do you consider it a Love Message? So why do you allow Muslims to teach their violent teachings to their young children while you don't allow people like Mr Wilders to criticise those teachings? This is the question.
Interviewer: I don't know exactly what the Judge will ask you tomorrow but Mr Wilders is well known here for saying that Islam is a backward culture and he has said many times in public that he has, as far as he is concerned, the Qur'an should be banned. And people wearing headscarves should be taxed accordingly.Wafa Sultan: I 100% agree with him, because he knows a great deal of what the Qur'an is about. Once you know, you are going to take a stand, the same way he did. Because I believe, you, the Dutch, won't allow someone to destroy your way of life. So my message to the Dutch people, get familiar with the Islamic teachings. Read the Qur'an and
Monday, 05 July 2010 in Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
HT: AtlasShrugs
"There is a place for violence in Islam."Saturday, 26 June 2010 in Islam, Islamist threat | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The quote below is from Andrew Bostom's review of Andrew C. McCarthy's The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabatage America. Bostom quotes the late Lebanese legal scholar Antoine Fattal, who as early as 1958 implored the West to awaken to the determined, civilizational threat we face.
Dhimma (or dhimmitude) ... is one of the results of the jihad or holy war. Connected with the notion of jihad is the distinction between dar al-harb (territory or "house" of war) and dar al-islam (house of Islam). The latter includes all territories subject to Muslim authority. It is in a state of perpetual war with the dar al-harb. The inhabitants of the dar al-harb are harbis, who are not answerable to the Islamic authority and whose persons and goods are mubah, that is, at the mercy of Believers. However, when Muslims are in a subordinate state, they can negotiate a truce with the harbis lasting no more than ten years, which they are obliged to revoke unilaterally as soon as they regain the upper hand, following the example of the Prophet after Hudaibiyya
Fatal went on to write:
The dhimmi, we might say, is a second-class citizen. If they [the ruling Muslims] tolerate him it is a calculated step, whether because they cherish the hope of converting him or for material reasons, because they force him to
Thursday, 03 June 2010 in Dhimmitude, Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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