At The Gospel Coalition national conference held recently at McCormick Place in Chicago, a helpful panel discussion took place on the topic, “What I’ve Learned from Years of Preaching Christ from the Old Testament.” Owen Strachan quizzed veteran preachers Alistair Begg, Mark Dever, and Philip Ryken (President of Wheaton college and former senior pastor at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pa). I found this a really interesting discussion. From the BibleMesh website:
The discussion began with how each person came to be convinced of a Christ-centered preaching model of the Old Testament. There we discussed how each pastor came to the personal conviction that Christ should preached from all of Scripture. Next, we covered more esoteric topics like how do preachers preserve the moral sense of Scripture without abandoning the gospel–or, the question that makes every young preacher’s knees knock–how do we preach Christ from the Song of Solomon?
Sprinkled throughout the discussion were resources mentioned by each of one of the contributors. Below are several of them:
Another videotaped panel discussion available for viewing is "Getting to Know the Gospel Personally as One Grand Narrative" featuring Kent Hughes, David Jackman, and Ligon Duncan.
Me: I've discovered more resources here.
Gospel Coalition Panel Discussion: What I have learned after years of preaching Christ in the Old Testament
At The Gospel Coalition national conference, BibleMesh was able to conduct three panel discussions. This is the first of the three, entitled ““What I’ve Learned from Years of Preaching Christ from the Old Testament,” in which I (Owen Strachan) asked three veteran preachers, Alistair Begg, Mark Dever, and Philip Ryken, what they have learned after years of preaching Christ in the Old Testament.