Update 2/2/08 - Kathryn Jean Lopez reviews the movie Juno and thereby underscores Hymowitz's insights below. See also a reader comment on Lopez's review posted above. It deals with the unintended consequences of feminism's effect on men.
This is an eye-opening "investigation" (is that the right word?) of single American men, 18-34 years old. Kay S. Hymowitz titles her latest City Journal article, "Child-Man in the Promised Land." The article makes discouraging reading, and to my mind registers another signal of a culture in slow-motion collapse.
For whatever reason, adolescence appears to be the young man’s default state, proving what anthropologists have discovered in cultures everywhere: it is marriage and children that turn boys into men. Now that the SYM can put off family into the hazily distant future, he can—and will—try to stay a child-man.
Read the article to discover the ins and outs of a child-man.
P.S. Note Hymowitz's earlier article, "The New Girl Order: Single Young Females (SYF)," on which I blogged here, which is also worth reading. I concluded that post saying, "This is one of those articles that alters the way you view the world."