- Update 1/13/11 - WAIT A MINUTE! It was reported in the Sonoran Chronicle that Rep. Giffords could open her eyes on Sunday! The Tucson Chronicle also reported it. (Via Gatewary Pundit) So did the Vancouver Sun. Drudge had a similar notice up briefly today, but it looks like he took it down. Why? What's going on? I await clarifications! - Update - Jake Tapper of ABC News provides the explanation:
Wednesday was the first time Giffords opened her eyes on her own, which Giffords' neurosurgeon, Dr. Michael Lemole Thursday called “a major milestone.”
“When we examine patients, particularly in this state we have to ‘wake them up,’ give them some stimulus, and with that stimulus they might crack their eyes,” Lemole said today. “That’s very different from speaking to someone and having them open their eyes, or having them open their eyes spontaneously in response to familiarity.”
“Eyes” in the case of Giffords is actually just “eye” since her right eye is bandaged.
Me: If that's what was meant when it was reported on Sunday that Rep. Giffords "opened her eyes," then the early reports were singularly misleading. The report on January 8th in the Vancouver Sun read:
"Giffords was able to open her eyes and respond to simple commands — indicating a high level of brain function that one surgeon described as remarkable given the extent of her wounds"